Hi All
Well i'm out of Hospital & would like to take this Opportunity to THANK YOU ALL fir your Well Wishes for me, it means a lot gonna have a chilled night tonight then post thread up tomorrow
Also Thanks to DOHHHHHHH (JJ) for his kind geature
It's good to be back
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So glad your feeling much better
Take Care!!!
cheers guys
nice to see you, to see you....
But since you went into hospital the Sky Poker site went into melt down
and now you're back and it's working fine!
Everone in the forum will be over the moon you're back
You only have to read the threads that have been posted to see how much you're appreciated!
Good Health and I'm sure you would have taken down the SPT if you'd played!
Nearly forgot Many Thanks Sky Poker for refunding my Buy-in it was totally unexpected and a Very Nice Gesture by your good selves
Welcome back and take it easy
Glad to see you back amongst us Michael dear
Welcome back mr DTW
I'm glad your on the mend hon, take it nice and slowly and relax as much as you can!