guy been getting on my t ts , sat with his mate giving it large. waited 30 mins to take some monies off him. thaidyboySmall blind £0.15£0.15£30.00superryanBig blind £0.30£0.45£19.40 Your hole cards55 pod1Raise £0.90£1.35£46.22kirky1969Fold CRB5Call £0.90£2.25£34.91breezybabyFold haidyboyCall £0.75£3.00£29.25superryanFold Flop 9109 haidyboyCheck pod1Bet £1.50£4.50£44.72CRB5Call £1.50£6.00£33.41haidyboyFold Turn 5 pod1Bet £4.50£10.50£40.22CRB5Fold pod1Muck pod1Win £5.70 £45.92pod1Return £4.50£0.30£50.42PrevClose windowoo much or not?
was gonna fire again to be fair. i butted into conversation after he started having a pop at haidyboys play. i told him haidy was prob best player at table . he reckons he could out play anyone. shouldnt have got involved. felt like i lost an opportunity.
turn bet good
Turn standard bet.