Which situation do you find most annoying?
Folding when your gut instinct tells you your ahead, when incredibly weak (as in no pair high card - maybe beng Q).
Totally mis reading a hand and calling off light, when your crushed?
Like most people I do alot of away from the table retroactive analysis, reconstructing situations. So if you find you feel strongly on the issue, how much do you let if effect your decisions at the table in the future?
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Am mainly talking when we are doing post game analysis though. Yes it would be fruitless to be frustrated at table. Basically just mean when you sit at home and play back the evening, which situation do you find annys you the most?
Its not often I'll call off light without specific reads. But seem to be finding the major regrets I have over a session are linked with not calling in odd spots.
Ridic hand other night where called off half my stack in last 3 of 75 players on river to a KQ54A (rainbow) board with 10 high, being right, as the way the hand plays villain hand is polarised to an A or worse junk than me (live).
Find I'm making these calls more and more often, more and more often being correct. But these are playing vs regs in counter intuitive hands.
But I think the basis for calling is more aligned with post game frustration than anything.
Fact is, if 10 high is good and your read is strong, you should be insuring your read with a raise, rather than stationing it. So either way its bad.
Folding when your gut instinct tells you your ahead
This is the most annoying aspect for me, the betting patterns in a vaccum may point out that your behind but because of the dynamic and history you just feel your good but you fold and they flip and yes you were right.
Or simply your gut is saying there bluffing but the story adds up but in live poker they just look like there bluffing but you fold and they show you the bluff, kills me. Then the same player will then tell the same story and you call and they show you nutz, doh! outplayed again
But I hear what your syaing you do find yourselfs in spots where you feel they may be drawing and you find yourself on the river facing a bet with A high or 2nd pr but you just know they have 7 high busted draw.
I am actually tending to call in these spots simply to avoid this circumstance. Read/instinct has to be very strong though.
Am just finding I'll trade the times I'm wrong for the information and lack of post game...annoyance.
However i'm finding that your instinct is correct significant portion of time, so it hasnt been an issue thus far. Also get a lot of fringe benefits in terms of table image. I'm talking super thin calls, based on levelling/vacuum and opponent. Very hand/player/position specific.
Funny you say that as the J high for some missed draws was the concern. He bets half pot on river. He cant really hold a K or Q way hand plays., nor the low pairs. He basically hit the A or is repping it. I beat every bluff really, with the 10 high. So tank called it.
Guy called me a idiot, I didnt feel the need to explain, wnt on to win.
I did mostly mean at river though, for super thin calls, with high card. I tend to have a plan for all my 3bet pre flop decisions.
I definately dont mean being a calling station as standard. More talking about reading a board well vs opponents range and interpreting bet sizes.
Sorry I should have been clearer, but wanted to keep opening post short, I tend to waffle
But I'm a risk averse nit, who occassionaly soulreads
9 handed cash table 50/£1. Utter lag raises UTG to £4, all other seats fold, you find KQ in the BB, and call.
£8.5 in pot board comes A37r. You check, opponent checks behind.
£8.5 in pot A37 10. You check, opponent bets £3.5. Opponents range isnt clearly defined here. There are many reasons to peel (with reads).
£15.5 in pot A37 10 3. You check opponent bets £9. Are we folding, are we calling? Are we simply going to assume we are beat here? If so, why?
We have the best non paired hand vs an individuals wide paint unconnected pre flop range. We have also checked twice OOP, why wouldnt opponent bet on turn and fire river with worse?
Last 3 players in 80 seater $50 MTT.
All evenly stacked at around 130k.
Button folds. Blinds 3/6k. SB makes it up, we check back 106o
13.5k in pot flop KQ4 r. SB checks. We check back see what happens at turn.
13.5k in pot KQ4 5. SB checks, we check back.
13.5k in pot KQ4 5 A. SB has been disinterested throughout. Now he leads out for 9.5k. Do we have to be behind here? What can our opponent really hold? This is either a super strong hand, or utter junk. Ourselves beating most junk. So its a value bet or bluff. Toatally polarised.
I'm not talking of standard spots. I'm talking of specific actions and dynamics vs players you have a good handle on. Not calling down with 2nd pair, or a A high double paired chopped pot.
hahahaha +! to bolded part
when i call down super light and lose i only get tilted if they show a marginal hand that completely owns me like TPWK or 2ndpair, if they show me the nuts it doesnt necesarily make my call bad
This exactly. I have no (well, less of an) issue with losing a pot i If I've been outplayed or totally mis read it. As your learning something about opponent and can attempt to differenciate signals in future hands when calling bad.
But mentally navigating a board, getting it spot on and just not being able to commit is the worst. If your instinct is super strong its usually as the hand has been played counter intuitively and your subconcious quickly recognises it (thinking out loud). But then your instinct has to override your logic and commit to it.
Dont think I could do it with such limited deconstruction time online though.