In Response to Re: 20NL vs good aggro reg who usually plays up to nl200, my line and discussion : If we 3bet here its his calling/raising range that is important not his opening range You made a point in a previous post that my reason for not 3betting was pretty lame and it prob was so I'll expand on it a bit. Reasons I prefer flatting. My hand plays well against villains opening range I dont really want to inflate pot oop with a hand like this I dont want to make villain fold. If he 4bets I'm not delighted about getting it in, think we have to though cos no way I 3b/f AJ v this guy without better reads When he calls his range is stronger than the one that opened, and Im not sure AJ is that far ahead of his calling range. He prob calls with worse hands, but prob not many that we dominate. This means there are some rio issues when we flop top pair. He is also unlikely to play fit or fold post, so we have to make difficult decisions very well postflop I agree we cant pot control much oop anyway, and hand is tricky to play either way. I dont think 3betting is bad, it depends on dynamic and how much you 3bet generally. It may be better if you handread extremely well, but you certainly will end up sticking it in in pretty marginal spots Posted by grantorino
Mr Grantorino your logic is sound and would expect you to be a good player(although dont know where or how high stakes you play) Problem we have with each other is that we look at the game completely different way, we both may be profitable players but still play the game different.
I like three betting in general, its a great tool to have in your arsenal and shouldn't really be worried about inflating the pot as it rarely plays out to the turn and see problems i dont e.g if i three bet there....
...most of the time i pick up the dead money in the pot and dont mind folds AJ is not the most profitable hand from the SB as is the case for most hands tbf despite this particular hand...
...if villain calls and i missed i would often c bet and be confident i would take it down most of the time.....but if i got re-raised on a k88 board for e.g i would fold on to the next no biggie and if i got called on a q37 board for e.g and a k came on the turn i would double barrel! if a 3 came i would be done with the hand...
...and if i got 4 bet imo think this is an easy fold, note player and on to the next hand...
^^just a basic rule of thumb on how i would play this particular scenario.
I dont agree with the bold bit though, you need to first look at his opening range to make three bets profitable, not his calling/raising range, that's irrelevant until the scenario actually happens.