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How to extract the maximum?

GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,630
edited September 2011 in The Poker Clinic
Genuinely NOT a brag. Felt I left chips on table tho, hence the post.  As you can see the betting was kinda weird and I feel looking back I should have just shoved turn but thought I'd get more by c/r.  I'll prob not come across this type of hand again but would like some advice in playing these type of hands.
jjjach Small blind  75.00 75.00 16285.00
Glenelg Big blind  150.00 225.00 10182.50
  Your hole cards
  • K
  • K
XX Raise  300.00 525.00 7390.00
chem Fold     
bugsytwo Fold     
jjjach Fold     
Glenelg Call  150.00 675.00 10032.50
  • K
  • K
  • J
Glenelg Check     
XX Bet  150.00 825.00 7240.00
Glenelg Raise  300.00 1125.00 9732.50
XX Raise  300.00 1425.00 6940.00
Glenelg Call  150.00 1575.00 9582.50
  • 7
Glenelg Check     
XX Bet  150.00 1725.00 6790.00
Glenelg Raise  300.00 2025.00 9282.50
XX Raise  300.00 2325.00 6490.00
Glenelg Call  150.00 2475.00 9132.50
  • Q
Glenelg Bet  150.00 2625.00 8982.50
XX Raise  300.00 2925.00 6190.00
Glenelg Raise  300.00 3225.00 8682.50
XX Call  150.00 3375.00 6040.00
Glenelg Show
  • K
  • K
XX Muck
  • A
  • Q
Glenelg Win Four Kings 3375.00  12057.50


  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2011
    Just weird tbh

    no need to c/r

    let em bet then raise/jam on them

    defo jam river
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited September 2011
    This is one scary hand lol

    3bet pre to like 700.

    Bet flop small like 50% pot then call raise.

    Turn wow how many minraises are there in this hand it's making me nautious lol

    River don't bet 150 into 2475, bet around 2000 and shove over reraise.

    Overall I would try and restrict the use of the minraise apart from preflop late on when it has effect (stacks are shallow) or maybe postflop if you think a player will shove on you thinking you're just testing him.
  • jugglegeekjugglegeek Member Posts: 623
    edited September 2011
    It's tough to know what to do when you flop quads, I agree (not being sarcastic here btw). You should be 3-betting everytime with kings pre though. Don't worry about it betraying your hand. You raise for value, to narrow your opponent's range (if they have called a 3-bet then there are only certain hands you can put your opponent on) and for the hope that they 4-bet you with AK or QQ etc. Your aim should be to get your money all in pre-flop.

    When you flop quads then the poker world seems devided on this one. c-bet and you may fold out a player who has totally missed the flop (very likely since there is no chance he has a king, most players will only call if they have two pair or a draw); check and you lose value and potentially arouse suspicion that you have at least a king, especially if you have been c-betting a lot.

    On the few occations I have flopped quads I have checked the flop or called if in possition. Wait for them to show aggression and make it look like a float by making a big bet on a later street. This polarises your hand and they may even call you with a pretty weak hand.

    A check raise on a paired flop looks very strong to most players. They have to give you credit for trips at least if you do this.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited September 2011

    How to extract the maximum?


    Dont minbet at every opportunity

    3bet pre
    c/r flop bigger
    bet turn, as played c/r bigger
    bet river bigger, 3bet river bigger

  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited September 2011
    This pot becomes big quickly post are perhaps commit him pre when we 3 bet pre.

    He has the perceived benefit of position, build it pre, then value bet streets, or allow him to fire.

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