So, fancy a little mini-challenge in October?
I play 4 nights this month on the site, every Wednesday from 7pm till midnight. And I'll be playing exclusively sit and go heads up games.
I'll be flitting around on various turbo levels from £1 upwards so I'm bound to be at a table that suits your bankroll and I'll keep you updated as to where I am on this thread.
Stick my name in 'Find A Player' - 'richorford' and track me down. Once you've found me, open the table and lurk in the chatbox. When you see me finish a game, head straight to the first empty heads-up table at the same level (unless I specify otherwise) to try and beat the queue! It's a lottery, but if you persist you should get your chance to take me on!
The challenge..?
That's it! Doesn't matter when, what format or at what level you do it, as long as I record a heads-up victory made by you against me during the whole of October.
Either myself or AceBarry will keep an ongoing list to show who's managed what, as we progress through the month.
And the prizes?
Everyone who beats me during October will be entered into an exclusive free-roll with this prize pool...
1st A Sunday Roller seat worth £220
2nd A Thursday Roller seat worth £110
So, you do the maths- that's serious extra value for simply playing and beating me heads-up. I'm trying to imagine how many people will be in that eventual freeroll, but as I'm only playing 4 nights of 5 hours and I'll be moving around all over the place during each session, I can't imagine it will be many.
Hope you like the challenge and see it as a little bit of fun to tick off on top of your usual exploits on the tables in October.
Can you join the 'I beat Orf club'? Or will you, embarrassingly, fail to make the grade...against ME? Imagine the humiliation in front of your SKy Poker peers!
See you on Wednesday night from 7pm sharp then.
Oh, and by the way, don't think I'll be blithely handing out heads-up wins to everyone because I've been told to play soft and get as many players in the freeroll as possible. Oh no, I'm not the Milky Bar kid, you know.
I'll be seriously trying to ensure that not a single person manages the feat against me. For bragging rights on the show. And I think I can do it.
Prove me wrong!!!!!
Is it 3 times consecutively Rich?
IE...3 games on the trot. If that is the case, you could just refuse to play the 3rd one when you will be 2 nil down and not give any prizes anyway
Please note this symbol : )) is a smillie face for avoidance of doubt so this post is said with a hint of jest in it.
You know Sky Poker MTT's max out at 2000 players right?
Would it not be easier to start with all SkyPoker players in the freeroll? Then exclude the ones that fail? Roughly equivalent in terms of numbers
We love you Rich, we're only joshing.
Just seen this freeroll in the lobby. 15,000 - 20,000 players. 50 min blinds. 15k starting stack. Rebuys @ 56p for another 10k stack (unlimited).
Starts November 1st....end date aprox 1st April, 2013
i am confused here - i think it's a trick - we have to lose to you 3 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still FYP though...