Hand History #421368423 (18:56 04/10/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancecd1967Small blind £0.04£0.04£7.79wilson1874Big blind £0.08£0.12£4.48 Your hole cards9J FREELANCERRaise £0.16£0.28£7.21xCarolinexFold cleaverjimCall £0.16£0.44£11.23scottyvid1Fold cd1967Fold wilson1874Call £0.08£0.52£4.40Flop 103Q wilson1874Check FREELANCERBet £0.24£0.76£6.97cleaverjimCall £0.24£1.00£10.99wilson1874Fold Turn K FREELANCERBet £0.50£1.50£6.47cleaverjimRaise £1.00£2.50£9.99FREELANCERCall £0.50£3.00£5.97River 10 FREELANCERAll-in £5.97£8.97£0.00cleaverjimFold FREELANCERMuck FREELANCERWin £2.77 £2.77FREELANCERReturn £5.97£0.23£8.74
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your bankroll should have no impact on whether you make the call or not.
also, how does someone manage to become a rock in 15 minutes?
the min raise on the turn is terrible and gives you no chance to define opponents hand. you just put yourself in a terrible spot and miss loads of value
at these limits i'd be surprised if you're winning on the river
Raise turn MUCH bigger, at least £1.70, minraise is terrible.
River not sure but it would make it easier if you raised more on turn, still probably call though.