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Time for sky to shake up the MTT schedule - Introduce bigger GTD tournies earlier in the evening?

edited December 2011 in Community Suggestions
Ive seen a few threads on this subject but it seems as though there isnt any momentum behind pushing for wholesale changes to sky pokers evening schedule.

First of all I played the £22 BH last night as went quite deep, didnt make the final table but I know if I did I wouldnt have got to bed by 1am, which for most recreational poker players who have to be up at the crack of dawn for work makes it difficult to justify the time especially if it results in playing for 3/4 hours for a min cash or nothing at all.

Skys scheduling seems a bit strange, after the ME, theres a £1k gtd BH and 8:30 pm and a £1.5k gtd BH at 9:30 pm. God knows what time the £1.5k MTT ends. 

Would it not make sense to have a chunky tournament start say at 7pm or 7:30 pm each night with a guarantee of say £2k and a buyin at £20+2 which would attract the serious recreational player as well as the MTT reg?

Theres no doubt that sky are attracting more players following the full tilt saga, but im not sure if they are maximising the oppurtunity of picking up players from other sites, because apart from the me's the mtts are too small and too late.



  • MohicanMohican Member Posts: 1,436
    edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Time for sky to shake up the MTT schedule - Introduce bigger GTD tournies earlier in the evening?:
    to win 400 quid isn't really that great.
    Posted by scotty77
    I dream of winning 400 squids.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Time for sky to shake up the MTT schedule - Introduce bigger GTD tournies earlier in the evening?:
    In Response to Re: Time for sky to shake up the MTT schedule - Introduce bigger GTD tournies earlier in the evening? : I dream of winning 400 squids.
    Posted by Mohican
    come find me at a cash table.  I'm being very kind as of late with my not so hard earned money
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited October 2011
    Yes to bigger tournies @ earlier times

    Look at the structures too.  IMO the TSP Classic goes on far too long now for a fairly small prizepool.  It doesn't bother me, I have no job and I'm never near the FT anyway, but for someone who has a normal day job staying up until 1.30 to win 400 quid isn't really that great.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2011
    Unless you run deep regularly which most people don't i don't see a problem with the times,if you run deep im sure people wont mind staying up abit late especially for £400,i mean its a weeks wages for some.There,s £22 deepstacks that run early with no gtd that get no runners even with a gtd the numbers soon dropped.
    horses for courses,some people like the way it is and some don't.i suppose the could run a chunky tourney at 7/7.30 to see what the reaction would be it could be easily set
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited October 2011

    Doublestack, BH and Open, 1 of each every night.

    7pm - 2k gtd.

    8pm - stays the same

    9pm - 2k gtd.

    Market it well, copy the "early chance" and "late chance" like on other sites, or come up with summat new, w/e.....


    Keep the 8pm as it is now, same tourny, buy in and structure. So the main event will still rotate between the three diff tournys.

    either side, will be the 2 main event alternatives.

    For example . . . . .

    Monday night would have a doublestack (NOT deepstack) @ 7, BH @ 8 and an open @ 9

    Tuesday - 7pm - Doublestack, 8pm - Open Main, 9pm - BH 

    Wed - 7pm - BH , 8pm - Doublestack main. 9 - Open

    Thurs - 7pm Doublestack, 8pm - BH main, 9 - Open

    Fri - 7pm Doublestack, 8pm -RB open main, 9 - BH

    Sat - 7pm - Doublestack, 8pm - RB BH main 9 - Open

    Sun - 7pm - Doublestack, 8pm - Primo main, 9 - BH.


    Scrap the TSP classic (or rename the 7pm the TSP classic)

    Run the Thews @ 10 every night (which is basically a new name/replacement for the 1k gtd velocity)

    Merge the 2 velocities that are currently available atm also, and have a 750 gtd velocity @ 8-45 or something.

  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Time for sky to shake up the MTT schedule - Introduce bigger GTD tournies earlier in the evening?:
    Unless you run deep regularly which most people don't i don't see a problem with the times,if you run deep im sure people wont mind staying up abit late especially for £400,i mean its a weeks wages for some.There,s £22 deepstacks that run early with no gtd that get no runners even with a gtd the numbers soon dropped. horses for courses,some people like the way it is and some don't.i suppose the could run a chunky tourney at 7/7.30 to see what the reaction would be it could be easily set
    Posted by stokefc
    Thats rather a defeatist attitude, im sure most poker players would want to improve and get to the stage where they are running deep regularly, and indeed it does happen. Its all about marketing and catching peoples imagination (take the sky roller for example).

    If there was a £22 buyin tourney starting at 7pm, im quite confident it would have more than 50 runners. Sky could start with a 1k guarantee and see how it goes.

    JJ has even given a suggested itinerary for new MTTs, its about time sky freshened their schedule up to encompass all poker players not just the pros.

    The suggestion is designed to make sky poker more appealing, attract more players(good and bad) and therefore bigger prizes.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited October 2011
    JJ's schedule looks good imo
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited October 2011

    Thread sent up to Head Office, to be discussed.

    Good thread, imo.
  • EyemanEyeman Member Posts: 1,039
    edited October 2011
    The improved blind structures mean late finishes - we can't have it every way (although I did do better when it was more like bingo, I wonder why?). The Main event used to start at 9pm and was over by midnight, the final table had absolutely no play at all, yet we got 600 runners EVERY NIGHT. The earlier starts and improved structures have made the latter stages much better. However, we do have much smaller fields most nights of the week - Thursday seems to be the peak at 400-500. Maybe that's the higher buy-ins or the earlier starts - who knows?
    Personally, I probably wouldn't play a 7pm biggie often, but there's always the odd time, and it can't do any harm.
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited October 2011
    i'd like a 7pm start for ME's with late reg for an hour pls

    oh, synced breaks & stretchy tables too pls ))
  • bigal36903bigal36903 Member Posts: 1,011
    edited October 2011
    i do remember when i made final table in the monday night 22 BH (long time ago now)  i finished at 2-15 am

    i had to be on a job at 6 same morning
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Time for sky to shake up the MTT schedule - Introduce bigger GTD tournies earlier in the evening?:
    i'd like a 7pm start for ME's with late reg for an hour pls oh, synced breaks & stretchy tables too pls ))
    Posted by yoyo
  • cleaverjimcleaverjim Member Posts: 1,070
    edited October 2011
    Im a butcher hence my name and get up between 5AM-6AM so i for one would love a decent torn about 7pm.I played the orfordable fri and thankfully won but it started at 7.10 which was great still didnt finish until 11.30 but it was a FANTASTIC structure with 10 handed tables so please keep this torn sky .
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Time for sky to shake up the MTT schedule - Introduce bigger GTD tournies earlier in the evening?:
    In Response to Re: Time for sky to shake up the MTT schedule - Introduce bigger GTD tournies earlier in the evening? : Thats rather a defeatist attitude, im sure most poker players would want to improve and get to the stage where they are running deep regularly, and indeed it does happen. Its all about marketing and catching peoples imagination (take the sky roller for example). If there was a £22 buyin tourney starting at 7pm, im quite confident it would have more than 50 runners. Sky could start with a 1k guarantee and see how it goes. JJ has even given a suggested itinerary for new MTTs, its about time sky freshened their schedule up to encompass all poker players not just the pros. The suggestion is designed to make sky poker more appealing, attract more players(good and bad) and therefore bigger prizes.
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    It,s not being defeatest m8 its just my humble opinion,ive seen £22 deepstacks with £500 gtd,s starting at 7.30 getting good runners then getting less and less and less untill they reduced the gtd down to £200 untill there was,nt enough runners to cover that gtd so now they just have a 22 deepie thats cancelled all the time.
    don,t get me wrong the more tourneys with decent gtd,s at the times you state would be better(imho)for the site but i don,t think theres enough people with the bank rolls for sky to take that risk,hope im wrong
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited October 2011
    who needs sleep its over-rated imo....
  • goodylad21goodylad21 Member Posts: 693
    edited October 2011
    My personal opinion :

    Im normally in bed around 12 midweek, unless i run deep in the ME.

    I enter the ME 3/4 times a week & 5/6 in winter,  i love playing mtts but all the others start to late with the current structures i.e tsp classic & 9.30bh - so unless i enter the mini event i only enter 1 mtt a night.

    If however you did something similar to what dohh has suggested, i would definately play in another 2+ mtts - the 9pm one could be 10 mins blinds like the open used to be & the 7pm same structure as the ME !!

    Something needs to be sorted, there is currently not enought mtts of £10 & above.
  • aiken2001aiken2001 Member Posts: 364
    edited October 2011
    Synced breaks would be the first thing that should be sorted out imho esp with the mini and the me. Throw in a dtd or a deepstack/bounty hunter and your doing the whole night without a break.

    A 7pm start for the me would be a bonus as final tables for these rarely finished before 1.30am and if your working that leaves very little time for sleep.
  • skicowboysskicowboys Member Posts: 163
    edited October 2011

    For me the "Late Registration" for the first hour is the biggest change i'd like to see. Tikay are there issues with the software being able to do this?
    Major tournies from 7pm are fine with me, good idea.
    The blind levels are much better now, if anything tournies at 7pm with 12 or 15 minute intervals would be great, if i need to stay up a little later to win money then i can live with that. IMO this gives better players more opportunities to win, more often.
    More PLO tournies too please (i know tikay and james are doing great work on this).
    More re-buy tournies too, and with late reg.
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
    edited October 2011
    I would agree on moving the 8pm to 7pm but that may cause a problem with the 5pm sat as a lot of runners come from that and that cant be moved back as a lot of people not home from work. A possible way round that is to run the sat on the previous evening but that may impact on numbers as a lot of people dont plan that far ahead.
    Agree big time with Thewy on the synched break times 5 mins to the hour please same as other sites as this would bring in more runners I would play more mtts if they all broke at the same time for a few reasons
    1.toilet breaks (wife cracks up if I pee on the floor ;-)
    2.nicotine breaks(wife cracks up if I smoke in house)
    3.people playing on jokerstars etc might play a couple of sky mtts as well so more revenue for site and bigger prizepool which then attracts more runners etc etc
  • 12671267 Member Posts: 936
    edited October 2011
    Gotta agree with syncd breaks and stretchy tables. Common sense !!
    Not to keen on the idea of the late registration,  alot of players like to know how big the prizepool is and how many people get paid etc.. when they enter, and not have to wait an hour.    If your going to do this, sky will lose its unique-ness (think i made this word up),  might aswell add antes , make most tournes 9 handed and play in dollars . IMO
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