Hi All, For those who don't know, LisaMarie Long makes her debut on the channel tonight. She will be nervous and not only because her analyst is TK. So come everyone send a message to through this post and give her a massive welcome.
Best of Luck Lisa, Its been great to see you on the sky poker tables lots over the past few days and you have taken to the sky poker spirit and community like a duck to water, so your skypoker tv debut will be no different.
If your lucky tikay might even wear his famous burgundy jacket tonight in your honour:)
Best of Luck Lisa, Its been great to see you on the sky poker tables lots over the past few days and you have taken to the sky poker spirit and community like a duck to water, so your skypoker tv debut will be no different. If your lucky tikay might even wear his famous burgundy jacket tonight in your honour:) Posted by GREGHOGG
Not the burgundy jacket!!!
Good luck tonight Lisa, I'm sure you will be fantastic,
Thank you all so much for your lovely words it really means a lot, especially as I really have come to think of you all as friends and you've welcomed me so warmly into your community here...
Not that that's stopped you nicking me chips given half a chance, you bunch of cretins
And don't worry, I'm not nervous at all. Terrified, Hyperventilating and nauseous but not nervous at all.
Plus I have THE BOSS taking care of me and showing me the ropes so I am in his very capable hands.. (Keep it clean lads!)
Looking forward to the show and hope to see you on the tables.
Now if you could just encourage your partners, pets and postmen to sign up for an account this evening that will make me look very good in front of the management. Hahaha!
GOOD LUCK to all those playing tonight and don't forget we'll be giving out the freeroll password during the show and there may be a few sneakiy clues earlier for those of you that pay attention!
Also feel free to keep Tikay and I company via the usual routes throughout the show.
Awwww You guys!! It's enough to make a gal bush! Thank you all so much for your lovely words it really means a lot, especially as I really have come to think of you all as friends and you've welcomed me so warmly into your community here... Not that that's stopped you nicking me chips given half a chance, you bunch of cretins And don't worry, I'm not nervous at all. Terrified, Hyperventilating and nauseous but not nervous at all. Plus I have THE BOSS taking care of me and showing me the ropes so I am in his very capable hands.. (Keep it clean lads!) Looking forward to the show and hope to see you on the tables. Now if you could just encourage your partners, pets and postmen to sign up for an account this evening that will make me look very good in front of the management. Hahaha! GOOD LUCK to all those playing tonight and don't forget we'll be giving out the freeroll password during the show and there may be a few sneakiy clues earlier for those of you that pay attention! Also feel free to keep Tikay and I company via the usual routes throughout the show. xxxLM Posted by Lisa_Long
I thought you are meant to be at work not having fun
Good luck Lisa-Marie. I'm looking forward to this....and Tikay is a true legend as well. It's not for no reason they seem to pair him up with any debutante presenters
50 Billion good luck wishes, I'm sure you'll rock! I predict peak viewing figurerers for Sky Pokerings :-)
Top that Nosey!!!
Good luck Lisa-Marie, you got tikay, he will guide you safetly throught he show, proper gent that man
If your lucky tikay might even wear his famous burgundy jacket tonight in your honour:)
Good luck tonight Lisa, I'm sure you will be fantastic,
Awwww You guys!! It's enough to make a gal bush!

Thank you all so much for your lovely words it really means a lot, especially as I really have come to think of you all as friends and you've welcomed me so warmly into your community here...
Not that that's stopped you nicking me chips given half a chance, you bunch of cretins
And don't worry, I'm not nervous at all. Terrified, Hyperventilating and nauseous but not nervous at all.
Plus I have THE BOSS taking care of me and showing me the ropes so I am in his very capable hands..
(Keep it clean lads!)
Looking forward to the show and hope to see you on the tables.
Now if you could just encourage your partners, pets and postmen to sign up for an account this evening that will make me look very good in front of the management. Hahaha!
GOOD LUCK to all those playing tonight and don't forget we'll be giving out the freeroll password during the show and there may be a few sneakiy clues earlier for those of you that pay attention!
Also feel free to keep Tikay and I company via the usual routes throughout the show.