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Was it only me

Ratboy71Ratboy71 Member Posts: 150
edited October 2011 in Community Help & Advice
Got disconnected from all tournies at 20:50 and was then unable to access sky poker until 22:05. Anyone else have the same problem ?


  • Ratboy71Ratboy71 Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2011
    Scotty. Its driving me mad mate. Every time i complain to CC they just credit my account with £10. Was on the same table as Tikay in the omahartigan at 19:10 and was teaching him a few tricks. Lol. Ended up being blinded out.
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited October 2011
    I'm with the RAC if that helps??

    Seriously I'm with O2 and i've had no probs (touch wood)
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited October 2011
    i'm on Orange
  • Ratboy71Ratboy71 Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2011
    Doesnt look like an ISP fault then does it ?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited October 2011

    ^^^^^ hahah nope, not at all.

    epic techno diagnosis fail by dohhhhhhhh.

    Shud know better than to try and makes sense of technology, I just hope it works tomorrow!!! :(
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited October 2011
    I'm on BE Broadband, a company that  shares a network with 02 Broadband.

    Whenever I have been kicked off, both the download and the browser is down.  Can't even get onto the homepage.

    All other sites are fine, as are MSN/Skype etc.

  • Ratboy71Ratboy71 Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2011
    Talk Talk here
  • Ratboy71Ratboy71 Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2011
    Me neither. Kept getting timed out. Soooooo frustrating,
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited October 2011
    For everyone reporting problems, what ISP r u with?

    Ppl who follow me on twitter will know that this has been driving me crazy for a good week or so now.....

    Apparently it's an ISP issue, like a few of us tiscali/talktalk and virgin users had 6 weeks ago....

    I've not been able to play on the download at all, and can't get any mtt's or sng's to load on the browser.

    There's a site outage tonight, MAYBe that will help? I dunno...

    Anyway I'm with Tiscali, any1 else???
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited October 2011
    I got disconnected from all tournies too, lost most of my stack in the 7.15 deepy.

    Couldn't even get on to the sky pker home page
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited October 2011
    it has been happening to me on cash tables on and off for a week or 2.
    sometimes for a few seconds, other times for minutes.
    not just from home either
    having issues with bringing up the lobby also since the download upgrade. a bit hit and miss as to whether it comes up at all
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited October 2011
    In Response to Re: Was it only me:
    Been fine for me tonight, however the past few days I have been getting randomly kicked off while all other internet sites work. However when this has happened, its always come back on after 2 mins.
    Posted by scotty77
    Same here, not tonight but on the weekend just as described above.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited October 2011
    Been fine for me tonight, however the past few days I have been getting randomly kicked off while all other internet sites work.

    However when this has happened, its always come back on after 2 mins.

  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited October 2011
    Im on talktalk and have had no probs at all for at least a couple of weeks
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited October 2011
    Different ISP's could be sharing certain servers so if there's a problem with one it effects a few different ones.

  • MADMOOMADMOO Member Posts: 1,687
    edited October 2011
    I am on talktalk and was disconnected for about 10 minutes last night. I have had problems for about a week.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,649
    edited October 2011

    I had some serious issues just after 8pm tonight. I didn't get actually get d/c but only had the d/l running and had serious lag on 3 tables. It got better when I went down to two but still got timed out before being able to act. I even shut down pc, reloaded etc, and it was still hit and miss if I could play hands. There was a 'upgrade' before I went into SP tonight.

    I ain't not geek, but has it got anything to do with the capacity of the Sky Poker server when a load of tables are running ie...for example the main and mini?

    Whoever came up with the idea of them minis needs shooting!
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited October 2011
    as mentioned above by dohhhhhhh certain ISPs share certain servers ....and this was posted on a separate thread by Machka about 10 mins ago............

    Virgin Media have been having issues for the last 2/3 days.  Even to the point their Service Status page was offline for nearly 12 hours.
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