A few months ago I started playing cash (after a long time playing mostly low stakes DYMs) at NL4 level. I was reasonably successful and built my bankroll to a point where I could afford NL8.
My first attempt at NL8 was catastrophic and I was soon back down to NL4.
I built my bankroll back up again and moved back up to NL8. This time I did much better. Playing some NL4 but mostly NL8 I was on the cusp of being bankrolled for NL10 when I hit a horrible run.
I've had nightmare week. Every major pot I get into, I seem to lose. Not so much bad beats - usually discovering I was behind from the start (e.g. running into sets, or unlikely flopped flushes/straights). I don't feel that NL8 plays much tougher than NL4, and I don't feel that I play scared at NL8, but I just can't seem to succeed. I can sometimes build my stack steadily... but then I always seem to blow it on a massive pot.
I've lost almost 20% of my bankroll in a week or so. (I am playing strictly within it.)
My stats since I started playing cash are...
Hands played... 9784
Profit in big blinds per 100 hands... 21
Hands played... 1740
Profit in big blinds per 100 hands... -9
Would you suggest I stick at NL8 (as long as my bankroll allows), even though it seems to be cursed for me (albeit over a relatively smaller number of hands)? Or should I just keep grinding it out at NL4 where I seem to be able to show a lot more profit?
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You mention you've had a nightmare week where you run into sets/flushed str8s etc, I think it might be best to post some hands up (the big pots) to let everyone see if you're making any fundemental mistakes or if it is just variance/coolers.
play where u feel comfortable and if you see easy spots at any level you are rolled for dont b afraid to have a go u can always drop back to NL4 where you know your a steady winner
You need a good start to play 20 buy in’s at a new level. Bad start just crushes you.
I played with the 20 bi rule and it’s not easy.
Not nice yoyo’ing between levels, soul destroying. At least give yourself a 2 bi cushion.
I am still playing in the main 2xNL4 and 1xNL8 even though a lot of people say you should be playing NL10
Play the next level when you feel ready
Of course i do
I played recently a bit of nl30/40/50 and 100 , hows that for good BRM
On bahh's numbers I really don't think you need £400 to start NL8, yes no one's in a rush but that would take a good while at NL4, I'd only think you'd need that many BI's at the VERY high NL50+ levels where it's more advanced and involves making big bluffs and calls regulary where at the micro's that shouldn't really come up very often, well at least not for me lol