As I have been appointed as TKP's Official Representative for the upcoming UKOPS, I thought I would compile a list of who has qualified/bought in into the relevant events as it currently stands.
***UKOPS 1*** Eyeman4fingersAAbromley04made4game
***UKOPS 3***jimHFXEyeman
***UKOPS 4*** (High Roller)bromley04samantha25
***UKOPS 5***samantha25OnlyOneCTmade4game
***UKOPS 6***made4game
***UKOPS 7***rossjb14
***UKOPS Main Event***made4gameOnlyOneCTjimHFX
If i've missed anyone out of the relevant lists just let me know and if you qualify for any of the events again let me know and I will update the list.
To those in the team that have not yet qualified for any of the events and getting a bit frustrated with this, The two events I have qualified for i won my seat at the first time of asking on both occasions and it only cost the small matter of £8.60 in total so If i can do it, anyone can!. I'm going to make one real final push next week to try and qualify for the tourneys I ain't qualified for yet and maybe see you at the tables!.
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Ain't had time to do maself, will do later!!
Re: Team Cash Championship for UKOPS!!!!
First: 30/6/2009
Last: 1/11/2011