no notes on player
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebickers1Small blind £0.10£0.10£24.61Wakey_SBig blind £0.20£0.30£45.14 Your hole cardsJQ basty2010Fold BaalRaise £1.00£1.30£15.80ScratvilleCall £1.00£2.30£19.12robyoungCall £1.00£3.30£25.83bickers1Fold Wakey_SFold Flop A10K BaalCheck ScratvilleCheck robyoungBet £1.80£5.10£24.03BaalCall £1.80£6.90£14.00ScratvilleFold Turn 7 BaalCheck robyoungBet £4.80£11.70£19.23BaalCall £4.80£16.50£9.20River 7 BaalAll-in £9.20£25.70£0.00robyoung?
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The only time the 7's on the turn and the river actually make any difference to the outcome of the hand is if he's got a 7 in his hand (Unlikely), or if he's flopped a set and the running 7's give him a full house.
I probably still make the call.
A7 of hearts for a guess