PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerobyoungSmall blind £0.10£0.10£25.56xBig blind £0.20£0.30£21.38 Your hole cardsJJ stanley644Raise £0.40£0.70£19.60james52Call £0.40£1.10£10.43weedgiFold dave210755Call £0.40£1.50£34.42robyoungRaise £1.80£3.30£23.76xCall £1.70£5.00£19.68stanley644Call £1.50£6.50£18.10james52Call £1.50£8.00£8.93dave210755Call £1.50£9.50£32.92Flop 796 robyoungBet £3.80£13.30£19.96xCall £3.80£17.10£15.88stanley644Fold james52Fold dave210755Fold Turn 9 robyoungCheck xCheck River K robyoungCheck xCheck robyoungShowJJ xMuckA7 robyoungWinTwo Pairs, Jacks and 9s£16.24 £36.20
i had the villain down as a bad player but didnt know him inside out, should i even be c betting on a flop like this? I was happy to get to showdown and take the pot but did i miss potential value here? i just hated the board, and with a family pot figured im not likely holding the best hand on the flop
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