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Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
PUTTERMAN | Small blind | £0.02 | £0.02 | £0.72 | |
TINTIN | Big blind | £0.04 | £0.06 | £3.80 | |
Your hole cards |
| ||||
cornwall01 | Fold | ||||
scotOUTLAW | Raise | £0.40 | £0.46 | £5.89 | |
EvilPingu | All-in | £3.89 | £4.35 | £0.00 | |
PUTTERMAN | All-in | £0.72 | £5.07 | £0.00 | |
TINTIN | Fold | ||||
scotOUTLAW | Call | £3.49 | £8.56 | £2.40 | |
| |||
scotOUTLAW | Show |
| |||
EvilPingu | Show |
| |||
Flop | |||||
| |||||
Turn | |||||
| |||||
River | |||||
| |||||
scotOUTLAW | Win | Three 9s | £7.91 | £10.31 |
Much prefer 3betting small and getting it in if raised
Open shoving prevents them making a mistake, however as he's called with 99 here I'd say with A10+/KJ+ he makes same call so against their range it's probably a good shove.
More often than not you fold out A10+/K10+ by shoving
I know it's NL4, but they can fold pre flop to a shove - but they can't fold on any flop they connect with
You may aswell 3 bet shove 10+ playing this way, which can't be bad if worse always calls )
Seems to cry out I don't wanna play AK IP in a 3 bet pot from the flop !!
Is this good or bad
We and the oppo are equally as likley to miss or hit flop so it's 1/3 oppo hits
so 2/3 we win - even if oppo hits 1/3 we still have oppo dominated the majority so - we win
do the math - we win long term
But if oppo has a pr then we are the underdog, how is this good )
Does the shove get called often enough by worse to make it profitable, or do we get called by prs/better too often to make it not so profitbale long term
something to think about: If we 3 bet or shove and in both situations the oppo calls with AQ and the flop comes Q high with no improvement for us - which is best long term - 3 bet or shove -
then switch it so the flop comes Ace high, no improvements for oppo and oppo always stacks