PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetootallsdrSmall blind £0.05£0.05£3.38ThoichBig blind £0.10£0.15£8.85 Your hole cardsQA warbird72Fold thecovkidRaise £0.20£0.35£10.63dodger12Call £0.20£0.55£3.44ronniebCall £0.20£0.75£16.79tootallsdrRaise £0.25£1.00£3.13ThoichCall £0.20£1.20£8.65thecovkidCall £0.10£1.30£10.53dodger12Call £0.10£1.40£3.34ronniebCall £0.10£1.50£16.69Flop 3Q7 tootallsdrBet £0.30£1.80£2.83ThoichCall £0.30£2.10£8.35thecovkidRaise £1.50£3.60£9.03dodger12Fold ronniebFold tootallsdrFold ThoichFold thecovkidMuck thecovkidWin £2.22 £11.25thecovkidReturn £1.20£0.18£12.45
Pretty sure I played this hand terribly both pre flop and post flop and would love some advice on how to play in this spot. I had not be playing the table long so had little information on the players involved, so I decided to make a painfully tight lay down on the flop with top pair top kicker.
My first question is should I have 4-bet pre flop? I chose not to as it was likely to create a big pot out of position.
When the SB leads out on flop my first instinct was AA or KK and that the small 3-bet preflop was hoping to induce a 4-bet from original raiser, therefore I flat called to re-evaluate on the turn. Should I have been reraising in this spot for information/value?
Once the reraise comes in from behind me and the original flop raiser folded I decided to throw my hand away on the basis that I was out of position in a big pot, and my hand strength had little chance of improving on latter streets. Also, I had very little information on my opponent and was unsure whether or not he was capable of this move with a flush draw, so a spade on the turn would have left me check-folding anyway.
I am aware I have played this hand shockingly, and would love to hear some advice about what I could have done differently. Thanks.
If you opt to keep a pot small pre flop, then you have to lean towards opting to keep it small post.
This many people in the hand, I dont think its a terrible fold.
pre looks fine
postflop idk I'm not in love with any line. I prob call and call the raise as well, but I dont hate your line as turn will always be tricky
The thing is after just flatting a small bet on the flop your way under repping your hand, if someones got KQ behind you they can easily think they're ahead and be raising for value i this spot.
After initial stupid 30p bet i'd raise up to £1.20-£1.50