In Response to Re: 3.30 mini BH Running very slow : It wasn't hand for hand, it has been taking 5-10 second to deal the cards consistantly from the go. other peopple were complaining about it on my table aswell, just a bit odd! Posted by salad24
The dealer was obv havin probs sortin out the set up suck out hands , give him a chance as he only started this job 2day )
i`v had same during DTD and got sky poker not responding, and was not my end as everything was showng working, luckily i had chips as it took 5 mins to get back on, but off course there`s no prob there end
Nope been like it for the whole tourny, it has just poped up with H4H now, im wondering if there is a glitch with that bit of software as it has never happened like this before!
Yes it's playing Hand 4 Hand as Scotty says - 60 cash 61 left money bubble. Posted by POKERTREV
It wasn't hand for hand, it has been taking 5-10 second to deal the cards consistantly from the go. other peopple were complaining about it on my table aswell, just a bit odd!
I posted this a couple of weeks ago, i believe this was a less serious version of last nights problem, which was obviously exagurated by having twice the amount of runners. Just to let sky know that i don't think it was a one off last night. IMO it must be a little glitch with the H4H software as these problems only poped up since H4H was brought in. But then again, what do i know!
Yeah it was pausing last night after around an hour or so into the tournament.
Like you say I thought it was H4H but there was no pop up notice.
I then opened another couple of tables and each table was doing the same but hands started at different times, even when another table was still playing the previous hand.
Yes it's playing Hand 4 Hand as Scotty says - 60 cash 61 left money bubble.
Like you say I thought it was H4H but there was no pop up notice.
I then opened another couple of tables and each table was doing the same but hands started at different times, even when another table was still playing the previous hand.