All the presenters have an avatar made to look like them. What about a nightly, weekly or monthly Tourny where the prize included a personal avatar for the winner??
All the presenters have an avatar made to look like them. What about a nightly, weekly or monthly Tourny where the prize included a personal avatar for the winner?? Posted by Twuk
I think this is a good idea, but why cant everyone that wants send in a piccie and have the personal avatar done. Failing this, couldnt it be possible for players to upload pictures (they would have to be vetted, off course) of, say a shark/wolf//snake/scorpion/cartoon character/whatever to be used as their avatar. I find the avatars available boring, so some kinda choice would be great.
Failing this, couldnt it be possible for players to upload pictures (they would have to be vetted, off course) of, say a shark/wolf//snake/scorpion/cartoon character/whatever to be used as their avatar. I find the avatars available boring, so some kinda choice would be great.