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poker clinic

dogcharliedogcharlie Member Posts: 107
edited January 2012 in The Poker Clinic
it should be for people showing hands not paragraphs of crxp show your hands then people can put ther input in


  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2011
    In Response to poker clinic:
    it should be for people showing hands not paragraphs of crxp show your hands then people can put ther input in
    Posted by dogcharlie
    merry xmas to you as well xx
  • dogcharliedogcharlie Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: poker clinic:
    In Response to poker clinic : merry xmas to you as well xx
    Posted by debdobs_67
    merry xmas debs x i was just sayin how i think the poker clinic shud b used dont hold it against me :P x
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited December 2011
    i signed up on sky yesterday, been havin a browse through the forums, gotta be totally honest & say that the poker clinic certainly aint the best poker strategy forum ive ever seen lol! dont get me wrong this seems like a cool place & a good community & stuff but seriously what is going on with the type of hands being posted? its either pointless threads, badbeats or braggin posts! where is the strategy? the actual tough spots? anybody ever got any reads on players? im new & yep prob coming across like a tool but just curious is there ever any proper poker discussions? or have i just come at a bad time? seems like its the blind leading the blind
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: poker clinic:
    i signed up on sky yesterday, been havin a browse through the forums, gotta be totally honest & say that the poker clinic certainly aint the best poker strategy forum ive ever seen lol! dont get me wrong this seems like a cool place & a good community & stuff but seriously what is going on with the type of hands being posted? its either pointless threads, badbeats or braggin posts! where is the strategy? the actual tough spots? anybody ever got any reads on players? im new & yep prob coming across like a tool but just curious is there ever any proper poker discussions? or have i just come at a bad time? seems like its the blind leading the blind
    Posted by potattoooo
    id agree its not the best on the web but its defo not the worst. I think your above statements will happen on 99% of sites in honesty with very few being different. However i think this past month has been pretty bad for it.

    also welcome to sky and enjoy ur stay. out of curiousity where did you play before hand, your comment seems like ur an experianced player.
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited December 2011
    think your right tatty, like don says you seem to know what your talking about so some im put from yourself would be good. there are some very good players on this site unfortunately MOST dont post in the clinic, there are some good exceptions to that rule and feedback from these players on the whole are most welcome. 
    welcome and enjoy. ps happy xmas   phil
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited December 2011
    In Response to poker clinic:
    it should be for people showing hands not paragraphs of crxp show your hands then people can put ther input in
    Posted by dogcharlie
    People post their hands here for feedback. Others who write long replies are trying to provide that. Sure, sometimes posts may end up being too longwinded, and a lot of hands posted are trivial,  but most people learn something from posting here
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited December 2011
    morning gt and happy x mas to you.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: poker clinic:
    i signed up on sky yesterday, been havin a browse through the forums, gotta be totally honest & say that the poker clinic certainly aint the best poker strategy forum ive ever seen lol! dont get me wrong this seems like a cool place & a good community & stuff but seriously what is going on with the type of hands being posted? its either pointless threads, badbeats or braggin posts! where is the strategy? the actual tough spots? anybody ever got any reads on players? im new & yep prob coming across like a tool but just curious is there ever any proper poker discussions? or have i just come at a bad time? seems like its the blind leading the blind
    Posted by potattoooo
    People are never gonna post reads where their opponent can read them. Youre never gonna get any high level of discussion as long as people are posting under their player names. So the forum is bsaically a tool for low stakes players. I think theres some useful advice posted and theres not a ton of threads or posts to wade through so its easy to find.

  • H3lp-PDSAH3lp-PDSA Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2012
    If I had a hand to discuss, I would feel far more comfortable doing it on this forum or Blonde than some of the other strategy forums. For me sites like 2+2 and P5's are two of the worst to ask for help on. In terms of useful strategy content, P5's and 2+2 are excellent, however the members there make it an unfriendly and dog eat dog environment to hang around in. Getting insulted by an underage 17 year old who doesn't shave yet brings forums like 2+2 down. So far, I have enjoyed the Sky forum and have only started reading the poker clinic section. The community element reminds me of the Blonde forum years ago.  There aren't many of us here playing at the higher limits, so all the content I have seen so far has been helpful.

    Also, I don't think 2+2 has any losing players. They all win and win a lot if they are to be believed, lol. 
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    It is what it is

    If your looking for something more then the internet is very big )

    But you have to remember players that post here play on the site so therefore there's not going
    to be much indepth discussion.

    Plus the canny do actually advo here aswel so it will never be a 2+2, which if I am honest is
    only for those serious about indepth maths and strat.

    bitesize learning please for the uneducated so the clinic provides a grounding
    The clinic will provide players with the basics, the rest you really have to go to training sites and learn yourself

    I have found reading certain points of view have sent me off in certain directions investivating there POV
    Especially players like lol_raise/Dohhhh/GT/Coxy etc......
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012

    as this thread as been bumped ive just noticed something i posted a couple weeks back and tbf i think it makes me sound a bit of a tool and i regret writing it because i was wrong & ill happily hold my hands up!

    sure some hands people put up are pointless, some of the advice given might not be the greatest advice but what i didnt realise at the time of writing my initial post in this thread was what a great community spirit you lot have here. and tbf i was very quick to judge because truth be told alot of the advice and discussions are actually good and interesting! is it 2+2 standard? obviously not! but like someone posted above the sheer arrogance in the majority of the posts let it down. for the beginner, lower limit player the skypoker clinic is actually very useful & i take back what i said.

    also offshoot your reply too what i posted (this first time ive seen it) is spot on, i never actually considered that tbh, i posted on the 24th dec, that was the day i signed up on sky, it was also xmas eve so very high chance i was pretty drunk at the time of postin! but yeah what u said makes perfect sense

    one thing i would suggest though is that when people are putting up hands to discuss is that they remove player names, i dont really agree with discussing a hand when the villian in question has his name there for all to see, they play on the site too and even if they dont post on the forum they shouldnt have to have there hands shoved on here showimg everyone how they played it! i know i wouldnt be too impressed if it was me.

    keep up the good work anyway guys! shame some of the bigger players dont post on here much

  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: poker clinic:
      one thing i would suggest though is that when people are putting up hands to discuss is that they remove player names, i dont really agree with discussing a hand when the villian in question has his name there for all to see, they play on the site too and even if they dont post on the forum they shouldnt have to have there hands shoved on here showimg everyone how they played it! i know i wouldnt be too impressed if it was me. keep up the good work anyway guys! shame some of the bigger players dont post on here much
    Posted by potattoooo
    +1 to this.
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