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Bank Roll Managment, How Close Do You REALLY Stay To The Recomendations



  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited November 2009
    But yeah BRM is needed to be a good long term player and its importance should never be underestimated.

    If you dont have a BRM policy, then as long as what you sit down with you can afford to lose than thats ok too.

    we cant all be good poker players, which is a fact that i am very happy aboput.
  • MICKYBLUEMICKYBLUE Member Posts: 2,035
    edited November 2009
    i once deposited £20 on here ran it up 2 £200 in 1 session on cash, going through the levels, started at 10p 20p blinds then lost the lot on aa v kk ( i had the aa), was gutted i didnt use some sort of common sense there. but i dont see how any1 could stick 2 br with only £20, i think minimum should be £100 2 have any chance of success
  • DeuceAK_47DeuceAK_47 Member Posts: 381
    edited November 2009

    I think bankroll management is really important but agreed that it means more if your playing at least low medium stakes. (0.50-1 and higher)

    For example if i decide to go down town with my mates on a saturday night i will spend around £100,But if i rather stay in to play the open with some other tournys for around 50 pounds and i loose it all, then im still up 50 pounds. (with having as much fun)

    Bankroll management helps me though as im currently grinding 0.50-1 (dont play cash on sky poker) and i wont move up until i hit $5000 as if i cant make that i wont be good enough to beat 1-2 neway.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2009
    When I first started I didnt follow bankroll management too much, I would find a tourney I wanted to play and would play it, if i had a bad run and my bankroll went down I would still play the same trnys, and eventually go bust. The worst feeling in poker is when you spend the last of your bankroll on a game and lose!!

     After a couple of yrs of cashing out and having to deposit (cashed out more than deposited though) I finally decided.. OK im going to put a healthy amount into my BR and then work on that. I put £100 on and stuck to between 5 and 10% of my BR... I am now comfortable to play any tourney on the site (apartfrom the 2k ds) which means i dont play scared and player better poker
     I am a believer though if you do want to get into poker you do need to put a fair amount in to start (only what you can afford) and play the games suited to your BR, if you start from only 10 or 20 quid you will get bored of grinding such low stakes and will eventually give up. Before you do that however make sure you are a winning poker player, no point throwing good money after bad
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2009

    i dont use the BR rule.

    Like yourself i oftne find myself using to full wack expessially if im low on cash

  • apollo_11apollo_11 Member Posts: 969
    edited November 2009
    I have just been checking my bank details for Sky Poker activity and after adding everything up for the last year, I am a total of £4.92p down for the last 12 months.
    I think that is a good figure considering I am not one of the better players on the site and only play the small games and only play for fun..
  • namesb0ndnamesb0nd Member Posts: 402
    edited November 2009
    i dont stick to it at all,i dont think its very important tbh.
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Bank Roll Managment, How Close Do You REALLY Stay To The Recomendations:
    i dont stick to it at all,i dont think its very important tbh.
    Posted by namesb0nd
    Thats a way to go broke VERY VERY fast unless you a careful. 
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited November 2009
    I stick to a 5% entry rule and I'm very strict, I have to be otherwise I'd blow the lot on the cash tables when I'd had a few lol. I last deposited £50 back in March and it's now about £450.
    There's an infommercial on 865 by Rich Orford saying how key BRM is, and he should know ;-) lol
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited November 2009
    I religiously stick to 5% for STT games.

    It was very tedious at first and initially I started with a small deposit and as a result had to start at the bottom end.

    I have now enough to have a crack at the £11.00's comfortably, however, I do enjoy more the £3.30's so I tend to stick to those.

    So effectively, I only use about 1.5% of it at any one time at the moment. It does mean I will never be rich, but by the same token, I will never go bust.
  • BADBOY985BADBOY985 Member Posts: 1,957
    edited November 2009
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited November 2009
    I suppose it ok if say you have £20 in your account and you fancy a go at the primo to put a top up in to play, but having a bankroll management is more for pros, otherwise just deposit when its necessary (within your budget)
  • silentbobsilentbob Member Posts: 2,137
    edited November 2009
    Must admit I don't particularly follow the BR rules as such but then I also don't think I'm crazy with it. If I rigidly stuck to the rules then I could play £11 STT's but TBH I prefer to stick to the £3 & £5 games as that's what I feel comfortable with.

    I also agree with what some others have said in that you should only really play with what you can afford to lose and NEVER play with scared money (another reason why I won't particularly play much higher stakes regularly)
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Bank Roll Managment, How Close Do You REALLY Stay To The Recomendations:
    I suppose it ok if say you have £20 in your account and you fancy a go at the primo to put a top up in to play, but having a bankroll management is more for pros, otherwise just deposit when its necessary
    Posted by loonytoons
     This is the worst thiong you can do mate.. Soon you will get/or already have the poker bug and will keep dipping into your bank account, before you know it uv put a few hundred's worth of top ups on and are struggling to pay rent/mortgage... This is how poker/gambling has got such a bad reputation.. Try and think of it as a challenge in itself that you are not allowed to go bust.

     Take a leaf out of Grimstar and acebarrys books, they love poker but are not shy of playing 60p DYMs to not go bust

    P.S this isn't directed at you personally im not saying u have a problem at all, im just saying what can and does happen to people, just self discipline is the key
  • KaidusKaidus Member Posts: 159
    edited November 2009
    Bankroll Management is probably the most important part of being a poker player. I've seen people who can play but I wouldn't call them poker players, I'd call them gamblers because they are playing well out of their roll. There are some very well known UK circuit pros who have an actual bankroll of £0 and play because they borrow from Peter to pay Paul, ask Tikay, he'll tell you a number of shocking stories about this. If all the pros played according to "proper" BRM rules, then tours like the GUKPT would probably have about 20 players plus satellite qualifiers.

    As for me, I have 2 rolls on 2 sites. On my main site is my main roll, where I play my main game. I'm probably over-rolled for my game as I have 800bb's (I'm a limit player, so bb = big bet NOT big blind) currently, but I like to have 500-600bb's when I move up in stakes and at the moment, I have just over 300bb's if I were to move up now. My second roll is on here, and what I've done is taken a free £5 Sky were giving out and using it to play £2.20 and £3.30 deep stacks, and I was lucky enough to finish second in an 18 man one for £10. I'm not utilising BRM for my Sky account because that is a blowout for me when I get fed up with my main game.
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Bank Roll Managment, How Close Do You REALLY Stay To The Recomendations:
    In Response to Re: Bank Roll Managment, How Close Do You REALLY Stay To The Recomendations :  This is the worst thiong you can do mate.. Soon you will get/or already have the poker bug and will keep dipping into your bank account, before you know it uv put a few hundred's worth of top ups on and are struggling to pay rent/mortgage... This is how poker/gambling has got such a bad reputation.. Try and think of it as a challenge in itself that you are not allowed to go bust.  Take a leaf out of Grimstar and acebarrys books, they love poker but are not shy of playing 60p DYMs to not go bust P.S this isn't directed at you personally im not saying u have a problem at all, im just saying what can and does happen to people, just self discipline is the key
    Posted by FlashFlush
    Everything in moderation i say.What i was saying was, whats wrong with depositing £30 and having a go at a primo. Whats wrong with depositing £10 and having a go at the 8pm tourny.Using the 5% rule a player would need £660 in their account. Just like when a punter goes to the bookies and puts £30 on football bets, doesnt mean he has £660 in his pocket. Of course you get people with gambling problems, however that does not mean than we all do. Like i said everything in moderation 
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited November 2009
    A year ago I was grinding on .5/.10 cash and found it an awful struggle!  I went outside bankroll rules and played higher and now have a very comfortable bank roll.  I still feel unsure about sitting on higher cash tables - even though I can manage it. I guess what I'm saying is, u need to find a level ur comfortable playing at - regardless if its 1% or 50% of ur bankroll. It's better to play poker and not mind losing (if thats possible) than play with scared money.

    PS cant get rid of the italics and am not writing this again :P
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Bank Roll Managment, How Close Do You REALLY Stay To The Recomendations:
    In Response to Re: Bank Roll Managment, How Close Do You REALLY Stay To The Recomendations :  This is the worst thiong you can do mate.. Soon you will get/or already have the poker bug and will keep dipping into your bank account, before you know it uv put a few hundred's worth of top ups on and are struggling to pay rent/mortgage... This is how poker/gambling has got such a bad reputation.. Try and think of it as a challenge in itself that you are not allowed to go bust.  Take a leaf out of Grimstar and acebarrys books, they love poker but are not shy of playing 60p DYMs to not go bust P.S this isn't directed at you personally im not saying u have a problem at all, im just saying what can and does happen to people, just self discipline is the key
    Posted by FlashFlush
    soz flash but i agree with looney.if you have self control and you only play what you can afford to lose bankroll means nowt
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Bank Roll Managment, How Close Do You REALLY Stay To The Recomendations:
    In Response to Re: Bank Roll Managment, How Close Do You REALLY Stay To The Recomendations :  This is the worst thiong you can do mate.. Soon you will get/or already have the poker bug and will keep dipping into your bank account, before you know it uv put a few hundred's worth of top ups on and are struggling to pay rent/mortgage... This is how poker/gambling has got such a bad reputation.. Try and think of it as a challenge in itself that you are not allowed to go bust.  Take a leaf out of Grimstar and acebarrys books, they love poker but are not shy of playing 60p DYMs to not go bust P.S this isn't directed at you personally im not saying u have a problem at all, im just saying what can and does happen to people, just self discipline is the key
    Posted by FlashFlush
    Gambling addiction is a very different and all together darker subjet in which a person has no control over their compulsion. My point is simply that i don't keep to a bank roll rule as i never really know how much or little im going to want to play and i don't religously stick to playing 60p DYM's because i only have xy&z in my account. If i can afford to play i play and if my kids need shoes then i dont lol. And as a site of majority recreational players i wouldn't imagine that many people keep a strict roll and many more would just dip in and out at will. This was a good way to find out and i thank you for your views (all not just Flash)

    Im really chuffed with all the responses and obviously there are quite a lot of people on each side of the fence here.
  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited November 2009
    Bankroll management is important if you aim to keep winning in the long term. Since i first deposited £5 and started winning i have stuck to the 5% rule and now withdraw about £100 a month which is nice considering im a student. I started on the 30p dym and have moved up through each level and currently 2 table the £3.30 games. If you are playing for fun though and dont mind losing your money or can not be bothered to play low stakes because you find it boring etc then it is up to you with your money and if you play for fun then just play for fun and do what you want!
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