Only showndown hand ive seen from villian is were he bluffed 3streets in a limp pot with gutshot, dosent seem the greatest player. guess his range is 98 87 8t unlikely to have a 5, although could maybe have 56s, or more likely 2 spades. do we check here and call most none spade rivers or bet small and call a shove or just jam?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexSmall blind 75.0075.006150.00heelllooooBig blind 150.00225.005185.00 Your hole cards1010 Mariusz80Fold gillian23Fold CrazyBen23Raise 300.00525.002540.62bar4004Fold xCall 225.00750.005925.00heelllooooCall 150.00900.005035.00Flop 855 xCheck heelllooooCheck CrazyBen23Bet 477.001377.002063.62xCall 477.001854.005448.00heelllooooFold Turn Q xCheck CrazyBen23
0 ·
agree with the above in terms of betting the flop bigger to shove turn.

as played id still bet and be willing to get it in on turn - prob see him flip over QJ of spades tho
Shove only gets called by better so why shove ?
Do you think oppo is that bad that he will call off with the draw ?
Looks a bit tilty imo
Problem is if oppo is bluffy on missed draws then your probably going broke anyway by c/c
if we are calling most non spade rivers anyway i'm happy to get it in first here. its pretty marginal though but im too much of a calling station to fold the river even if a spade comes