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26/4/2012 £500 BH 3rd £39-52 pomfrittes 395069.68 £10.55 Head Prizes 8 £4.50 supersmith 228930.32 £26.37 Head Prizes 16 £9.78 DTWBANDIT 0 3 £31.20 + £8.32 Head Prizes + 14 League Points 7 Posted by DTWBANDIT
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25/4/12 18.45pm £100 b/h 1st £95
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26/4/2012 1min Roulette MTT 1st £6-00
DTWBANDIT450001£6 + 10 League Pointszigzaggg02£3.75 + 8 League Pointsgez_bear03£2.25 + 6 League Points
26/4/2012 £500 BH 3rd £39-52
pomfrittes395069.68 £10.55 Head Prizes8£4.50supersmith228930.32 £26.37 Head Prizes16£9.78DTWBANDIT03£31.20 + £8.32 Head Prizes + 14 League Points7
WP Michael and tx to the TKP railing crew.
£1.10 chip and a chair
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samantha251100001£82.50 + 30 League Points