I feel i have to start this discussion to defend the team, once again at the start of a game, a new player saw that 2 LEG ENDS where on the same table and told us he'd gone straight to live chat to report us for cheating, he also added that he knew we was doing it because he had done it himself on FULL TILT, what a thing to say lol,now as you all know, we started this team because even though we where all playing against eachother in the day we where all railing eachother in MTTs of a night,during the first UKOPS a couple of the players from DYM table did rather well, and during the one i came 3rd in i had a massive rail and put in the chat box that we should start our own team to take on the other teams in the Monday DTD, WE WHERE MADE VERY WELCOME. Now coming up with a name someone said coz of how well we had done we should be called LEGENDS, i thought yer, but LEG ENDS would be funnier and it stuck, now we made 2 rules, you had to play alot of DYMs and we didnt want people who went OTT with no reason in the chatbox, and we also wanted to say that we was a team made up from DYM tables so we had to add that to our name. I, for one will not be moving this from my location as others in other teams have got there team on show. But as to the cheating, after 3 years on SKY i have made alot of friends and never been acused of cheating b4, if anyone would like to check my own sharkscope graph i was on a steady climb over the 3 years, ive hit a bad patch over the last 2 months, funny enough since TEAM DYM LEG ENDS was formed, so if i am cheating, im rather bad at it, and if anyone in the team is cheating, i'm feeling rather left out as team captain lol. I.m very sorry for this long winded thread but as alot of you already know WE DONT, AND NEVER HAVE CHEATED AS A TEAM, AND ANYONE WHO WE THOUGHT WAS CHEATING WOULD BE REMOVED FROM OUR TEAM
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just ignore or point out in chat that its a forum thing.
You shouldnt have to explain yourself its not your problem if they think your colluding and they obv are not going to find anything when you have plyed 1000's against each other and are more competing with each other