As part of my cricket club's fundraising drive, I've volunteered to set up a weekly poker tournament.
I'm expecting about 10-15 people to be interested in playing, abilities ranging from reasonable to novice to out-and-out manic gamblers. I'm probably going to make it a £5+1 re-buy (with the £1 going straight into the club's coffers)
The main objective of the tournaments isn't to raise as much money as possible through the 'rake' taken out of the buy-in, I'd be happy with £20-30, it's more about giving the novices value for money and getting people in the bar spending some money in the close-season.
I could do with a bit of advice regarding the structure of the tournament. I'm looking to start the tournament at 7:30, and need to have it wrapped up before 11 when the bar shuts(preferably finishing around 10:30). When should the re-buy period end? And what should the blind structure be? If anyone's tried anything similar in the past please post below and let me know what worked and what didn't! Thanks.
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I think it'd be OK, looking at section 10 of your first link there seems to be a concession for club fundraising. Also, looking at the appendix at the end of that document the tournament I'd be looking to run falls comfortably within the criteria for a member's club.
Thanks for bringing it up though, and I'll check on what permits we hold..
Starting stack: 1500
Time Blinds
7:30-7:50 10/20
7:50-8:10 20/40
8:10-8:30 30/60
*10 minute toilet/cig/beer break*
8:40-9:00 40/80
9:00-9:20 50/100
9:20-9:40 100/200
*10 minute break. End of rebuys*
9:50-10:10 200-400
10:10-10:30 300-600
10:30---- /> 500/1000
If your looking to get bums on seats look into one of the national franchises redtooth / poker tree as they will supply all the gear and your players have a chance at regional / national finals. Drawback is your charged a weekly fee for this (round about £20 per week)
Structure wise we run as follows 8pm start 3500 chips
20 min 25/50
20 min 50/100
20 min 75/150
10 min break for beer wee etc
15 min 100/200
15 min 200/400
15 min 300/600
10 min break for etc
15 min 400/800
15 min 500/1000
15 min 1000/2000
15 min 1500/3000
15 min 2000/4000
we do have an understanding landlord and are rarely packed away before 11.30 with around the 24-36 runners each week.
You need to look into what license your club has (what fruity do they have is a bit of an indication) I believe there is rumours of a new white paper coming out some time this year changing some of this info.
Dependant on your landlord/local authourity the £100 max prize pot is generally ignored these days but the 5£ bit is stuck too.
Hope this helps.
Regarding the legal side of it, we're a member's club with a club machine permit and possibly a club gaming permit as well (I'll check). Anyway, according to the appendix at the end of this document (thanks again Sikas) we shouldn't be breaking any rules with the £5 entry and £1 'participation' fee.
In my opinion, the structure you've suggested doesn't push the blind levels high enough to get it done by closing time, you may have to do a chip count, particularly if you're allowing re-buys and add ons.