auto seat is a feature that, when you open up a cash table your seat is, as the name says automatically picked for you. I think it may also reserve the seat for you when you load up the table so that if the table is 5/6 no one can get the last seat while you are loading up the table, not 100% sure on that though.
when 2 regs try to start a game, it is quite standard practice to sit opposite of each other so that neither of you gains a positional advantage when the game fills up, also since you have two empty seats to both your right and left, you should in theory have a 50/50 chance of haivng posittion on the next person to sit at the table.
generally, atleast at nl300+ tables the 3rd player to sit down will be a recreational player, to which having position on is going to be a great advantage. some/alot of these recreational players have the auto seat feature enabled (maybe it is as defualt?) and the problem is that with this feature the auto seat will ALWAYS (10/10 in my testing) seat them in the top left seat of the table, giving the reg in the top seat a massive advantage over the other reg when the game fills up.
piccy to illustrate. A&B are regs starting games A has massive advantage over B most people just bumhunt those stakes within 10mins the game is likely to be full and the reg who was at the bottom centre seat, having given action to help start the table will probably find himself in a -ev spot. which then leads them to just not starting games anymore. fewer games, less rake sky & players loses out etcetc.
for the tl;dr people
pls remove auto seat or change it so that it is random and not fixed to one seat
Like noughts and crosses, where do you put the first X
Got point though auto seat is not good, should be random or off
Or do all the other regs avoid this too?
as usual i'm last to know these things
The only reason you sit top and bottom is so you each have position on 2 new joiners to the table
Sometimes you will be the one starting a table and sometimes 2nd to join, should even out over the long run
But yeah random auto seat should be default
I doubt Sky will condone bum hunting just to please the Regs who seem to fight over bums!
“I want position, no I want position!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
But hey ho
Scotty is always talking about bum hunting.
This is a poker forum, right ?