By the way, the Jackpot has gone to Wales again, wboth winners so far are from that part of the world. England, Scotland and Ireland have got some catching up to do. My money is on Daiboot to take it down next. Posted by GaryQQQ
By the way, the Jackpot has gone to Wales again, both winners so far are from that part of the world. England, Scotland and Ireland have got some catching up to do. My money is on Daiboot to take it down next. Posted by GaryQQQ
I'm in wales, so if you want to stake me i'll win it lol.
Would like to thank everyone for the rail last night was so nervous through the two final tavles, Have just managed to book weekend off and will be at Luton SPT.
Would like to thank everyone for the rail last night was so nervous through the two final tavles, Have just managed to book weekend off and will be at Luton SPT. Posted by alan1506
I had to log off from the rail at about 1.40am, glad to see you managed to take the Primo down.
By the way, the Jackpot has gone to Wales again, both winners so far are from that part of the world.
England, Scotland and Ireland have got some catching up to do. My money is on Daiboot to take it down next.
Very well played! Enjoy!
So both winners are from Wales eh. Coincidence? Right I'm changing my location to Wales. Presume the software picks up on it....
wow, super job Alan, sorry i couldnt stay up to watch!
to quote a famous gameshow! lol
If Diaboot wins the next jackpot, ill pay u the money myself
Congrats Alan, an amazing achievement well chuffed for you.
Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant!
well done.