There has been a massive and unprecedented outcry on the forum and in the chat boxes, and yet sky don't even seem to be thinking about introducing a timed speed turbo bounty hunter rebuy, come on sky!-- sort it out!
There has been a massive and unprecedented outcry on the forum and in the chat boxes, and yet sky don't even seem to be thinking about introducing a timed speed turbo bounty hunter rebuy, come on sky!-- sort it out! Posted by oynutter
Would it be possible to have the table open up, before the clock runs out? ...... or at least a modification to the pre-select-action-button, so we can go all in when we register? Posted by elsadog
Brilliant idea Alan, we could just sign in and click auto register, all in, then go back to bed
Can we have the River Card stay in the Air longer so the cardiac team can get into position to resuscitate me. What has Orford ever done for us.? . Posted by logdon
Well, there's the whine, and the sanitation, and it's safe to walk the streets at night since he lost his car.
How are you now Oy got your new Teeth yet and it the ticker keeping time.? I see from Dylan in the Bulkroll challenge he Smokes. Have you given up, or are you back puffing again. So many Players on here Smoke, even Barry and Sporny ! Its not good for you, and the dangers in later life are horrendous. If you can go one Day without smoking then you can go two three and so on. Visit the Chest Clinic and see the effects Smoking has on patients Lungs, its a wake up call you should not ignore. When you've cracked it you to will become a Crusader to the cause.?
hi annie i have tried to stop smoking so many times even lasted 1 year without a cig.but i still end up going back to the smokes,its all about will power,but i will try again xx
You forgot to add 100% rake please 200% on re-buy's ;-)
They NEVER listen to us.
...... or at least a modification to the pre-select-action-button, so we can go all in when we register?
Can we have more five minute breaks, and five away players to each table. ty Hugs xx
What has Orford ever done for us.?
I see from Dylan in the Bulkroll challenge he Smokes. Have you given up, or are you back puffing again. So many Players on here Smoke, even Barry and Sporny ! Its not good for you, and the dangers in later life are horrendous. If you can go one Day without smoking then you can go two three and so on. Visit the Chest Clinic and see the effects Smoking has on patients Lungs, its a wake up call you should not ignore. When you've cracked it you to will become a Crusader to the cause.?