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NL10 - Trip Kings. Unlucky or a bad call?

GraeGrae Member Posts: 44
edited January 2012 in The Poker Clinic
Keep going over this hand in my head and I can't decide whether I should have laid it down or was just unlucky.
Going through a losing streak at the min after going up £70 quid over two days at NL10 and just can't seem to win anything.

PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejamboGJSmall blind £0.05£0.05£18.16bluffer306Big blind £0.10£0.15£11.19 Your hole cardsAK   GraeRaise £0.30£0.45£19.60chancellorRaise £0.70£1.15£10.92borobobi19Call £0.70£1.85£6.441riveraCall £0.70£2.55£10.94jamboGJFold    bluffer306Fold    GraeCall £0.40£2.95£19.20Flop  KK3   GraeCheck    chancellorBet £0.40£3.35£10.52borobobi19Call £0.40£3.75£6.041riveraRaise £0.80£4.55£10.14GraeCall £0.80£5.35£18.40chancellorCall £0.40£5.75£10.12borobobi19Call £0.40£6.15£5.64Turn  10   GraeCheck    chancellorBet £0.40£6.55£9.72borobobi19Call £0.40£6.95£5.241riveraRaise £0.80£7.75£9.34GraeRaise £5.08£12.83£13.32chancellorAll-in £9.72£22.55£0.00borobobi19Fold    1riveraAll-in £9.34£31.89£0.00GraeCall £5.06£36.95£8.26GraeShowAK   chancellorShow1010   1riveraShowK5   River  7   chancellorWinFull House, 10s and Kings£35.51 £35.51GraeWinThree Kings£0.04 £8.30


  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    4 bet pre big >£3
    bet flop

    get it in on flop or tuen  - ok - sigh -
  • ilove2h8prilove2h8pr Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2012
    Kind of get why you flat pre, seems like you can only 3 bet to snap call a shove, but that seems fine as a squeeze or to isolate.

    Think am def 3betiing here wen oop post and to isolate.
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited January 2012
    Make it £4 pre then snap a shove. 

    They have A's or K's so be it.

    As played you have to raise flop (a real raise).  You have 3 people saying they are interested in front of you.  Charge them.  Look to get it all in vs KQ/KJ K... anything or A's.
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