and so to the monthly table ......we had 144 unique runners this month so the prizes are
100-149 runners:
1st = £55 Primo Seat, 2nd = £33 BH Seat, 3rd = £11 Rebuy Open Seat Congratulations to ROBBIEROTT (TKP) who is the overall winner and to Goldenballz (IND) and ACIDMAN27 (TNP) who finish 2nd and 3rd below shows the results of all who played 3 or more weeks NameWeek1Week2Week3Week4Week5ENTRIESAvg 3of5PosROBBIEROTT161111142742527.671GOLDNBALLZ 1746928114362ACIDMAN27 436112129438.673RANCID33 3515053440.334LEE1001675342281165415STOCKY8A1312514358 4446BEECHAM412588691705457SPORNYBOL292581169955458MRBURNS4273871137165545.339ZXGHOSTXZ97 839 34810DRUMAHAI051312241414515553.3311SHIRLEY0275106577040555.6712DTWBANDIT143538115542558.6713TORRYBOY1144210633 460.3314SAMANTHA25104873422064561.6715DUBMASTER228105117021656216CENACHAV152615310675562.3317SOLACK11121324719456318KAZZZZ 474011436719JJJACH1081064656174569.3320SUPERSNEDD746916412969570.6721OOPNORTH 471135337122SCORPIO13124125685892572.6723POMFRITTES1261431272867573.6724SWORDSYBOY311991345717457425KENNYBAD162767077158574.3326TIMBER2076110861 476.6727LISAR836022712269103577.3328KINGKAUTO4 1825316252477.3329FLYINGDAGG 3562211145480.6730SLAVERFISH102 56 85381313BARRELS3711598237164583.3332DUDESKIN8821236616110458433POKERTREV10120129159261586.3334GATLINGGOB 996299386.6735LABRAT646912210391 487.6736SCOUSE_RED123932611146359037BARBIE59 5619224196490.673818AND5TIME 138 1033239139FLASHJONNY7512317179144592.3340WYNNE19389344182148 49541TREMAYNE5520 212 395.6742FREDSGIRL 10716219323497.3343JEFFSJACKS20132130137194599.6744 <td height="12" align="CENTER" s
Congratulations this week go to CELTBHOY24 (IND) who takes it down .....I will confirm your prize asap
also to GOLDENBALLZ (IND) who comes runner up.
below is the table for this weeks team points, & WP Samantha TKP +1 bonus point for winning totty, [+another 1, for being Totty LOL!!] ps Independants smashed it this week!! WP ALL!! V.ul TNP!!
Very Close in end!! Team51 jump up to grab 2nd, but were never gonna catch 4th time Champs Team PokerTrev!! Ninja Plonkers very unlucky to drop 2 places in last week, Well done again to DYM & TKP for staying close despite low numbers! No Entry from team Sky this week The Independants Score well this week!! I wonder if I should score for them next month, Captains interesting meybe?
Congratulations to ROBBIEROTT (TKP) who is the overall winner and to Goldenballz (IND) and ACIDMAN27 (TNP) who finish 2nd and 3rd
below shows the results of all who played 3 or more weeks
Name Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 ENTRIES Avg 3of5 Pos ROBBIEROTT 161 111 14 27 42 5 27.67 1 GOLDNBALLZ
174 69 28 11 4 36 2 ACIDMAN27
43 61 12 129 4 38.67 3 RANCID 33
35 150 53 4 40.33 4 LEE100 167 53 42 28 116 5 41 5 STOCKY8A1 31 251 43 58
4 44 6 BEECHAM 41 25 88 69 170 5 45 7 SPORNYBOL 29 25 81 169 95 5 45 8 MRBURNS4 27 38 71 137 165 5 45.33 9 ZXGHOSTXZ 97
8 39
3 48 10 DRUMAHAI05 131 224 14 145 15 5 53.33 11 SHIRLEY02 75 106 57 70 40 5 55.67 12 DTWBANDIT 143 53 81 155 42 5 58.67 13 TORRYBOY 114 42 106 33
4 60.33 14 SAMANTHA25 104 87 34 220 64 5 61.67 15 DUBMASTER 228 105 11 70 216 5 62 16 CENACHAV 152 6 153 106 75 5 62.33 17 SOLACK 111 213 24 71 94 5 63 18 KAZZZZ
47 40 114 3 67 19 JJJACH 108 106 46 56 174 5 69.33 20 SUPERSNEDD 74 69 164 129 69 5 70.67 21 OOPNORTH
47 113 53 3 71 22 SCORPIO13 124 125 68 58 92 5 72.67 23 POMFRITTES 126 143 127 28 67 5 73.67 24 SWORDSYBOY 31 199 134 57 174 5 74 25 KENNYBAD 162 76 70 77 158 5 74.33 26 TIMBER 207 61 108 61
4 76.67 27 LISAR83 60 227 122 69 103 5 77.33 28 KINGKAUTO4
18 253 162 52 4 77.33 29 FLYINGDAGG
35 62 211 145 4 80.67 30 SLAVERFISH 102
85 3 81 31 3BARRELS 37 115 98 237 164 5 83.33 32 DUDESKIN8 82 123 66 161 104 5 84 33 POKERTREV 10 120 129 159 261 5 86.33 34 GATLINGGOB
99 62 99 3 86.67 35 LABRAT64 69 122 103 91
4 87.67 36 SCOUSE_RED 123 93 261 114 63 5 90 37 BARBIE59
56 192 24 196 4 90.67 38 18AND5TIME
103 32 3 91 39 FLASHJONNY 75 123 171 79 144 5 92.33 40 WYNNE1938 93 44 182 148
4 95 41 TREMAYNE 55 20
3 95.67 42 FREDSGIRL
107 162 193 23 4 97.33 43 JEFFSJACKS 201 32 130 137 194 5 99.67 44 <td height="12" align="CENTER" s
who`s had probs??
nothing for fourth, bubble again!
& WP Samantha TKP +1 bonus point for winning totty, [+another 1, for being Totty LOL!!]
ps Independants smashed it this week!! WP ALL!! V.ul TNP!!
TEAM Runners Wins Team points League Points
Team51 11 0 8 7
HitSquad 21 0 7 6
DYM LegEnds 4 0 5 5
KnightPoker 5 1 4 4
PokerTrev 14 0 0 3
Ninja Plonkers 3 0 0 2
Wow The Two Top Teams going into last week get poor results, finishes close again!!! UL TNP!!
Team Runners Wins T/pts L/pts
Pokertrev 78 2 66 26
Team 51 64 2 46 25
HitSquad 95 - 24 23
Ninja Plonkers 21 1 25 22
KnightPoker 35 1 30 21
DYM LegEnds 26 - 19 18
Team Sky 4 - 0 4
Very Close in end!!
Team51 jump up to grab 2nd, but were never gonna catch 4th time Champs Team PokerTrev!! Ninja Plonkers very unlucky to drop 2 places in last week, Well done again to DYM & TKP for staying close despite low numbers! No Entry from team Sky this week
The Independants Score well this week!!
I wonder if I should score for them next month, Captains interesting meybe?
Also massive well done to Robbierott for taking down the monthly prize and to Goldnballz on finishing second. Gl in the Primo and Bounty Hunter.
Congrats to Team Poker Trev for taking down the teams league.
Thanks to Chris, Michael and Hitman.
Well Done TPTers 4 Times League Champions.
Unlucky Ninjas, had my fingers crossed for a Runner Up spot for you.