as some people mite do on here i add notes to ppl after various hands after seein what they mucked after showdown, but sometimes....well quite a lot of the time i get a problem when i view the hand history, when i click to see the previous hand, a lil thing comes up at the bottom sayin "javascipt:void(0)" and it wont enter the hand, even if i close the window and re-try it still happens, but then sometimes it works perfectly fine and i can see the hand, does any1 else have this problem?
i was wondering weather it could b fixed or some1 enlighten me if its a prob with my browser
(altho it happens with both Firefox and Chrome)
have you tried deleting your cookies and browsing history? a small tip but can sometimes fix things.
le me know how this goes. if you are still having trouble i'll send it to the tech team.