The main thing I noticed was that after 2 hrs my concentration goes and I make stupid decisions. So that explains why I often lead tourneys in the first 2 hrs then fail to cash. I had convinced myself that as the blinds went up that others were playing differently maybe they are but so am I (baddly). So now I have to stop after 2 hrs while playing cash but I still keep saying to myself just once more around the table and often end up losing any profit and more. I need to learn discipline or learn to stay focused for longer!
The main thing I noticed was that after 2 hrs my concentration goes and I make stupid decisions. So that explains why I often lead tourneys in the first 2 hrs then fail to cash. I had convinced myself that as the blinds went up that others were playing differently maybe they are but so am I (baddly). So now I have to stop after 2 hrs while playing cash but I still keep saying to myself just once more around the table and often end up losing any profit and more. I need to learn discipline or learn to stay focused for longer! Posted by Donut64
DEFO more than two words
Try giving your self more than just a time target. e.g. If you get more than 3 buy in ups, leave the table, no matter how long you've been playing, take a break and then come back fresh.
Anyway it was three words not four.
So that explains why I often lead tourneys in the first 2 hrs then fail to cash. I had convinced myself that as the blinds went up that others were playing differently maybe they are but so am I (baddly).
So now I have to stop after 2 hrs while playing cash but I still keep saying to myself just once more around the table and often end up losing any profit and more. I need to learn discipline or learn to stay focused for longer!