Very soon, Sky Poker will celebrate its 5th Birthday!
Many of you have been with us since day one so for you and our other customers, we've got some great offers for next week! Across the five days (Mon-Fri) next week we have:
1) £5,000 Jackpot Boost -if the Jackpot is won during the week 2) 5 x Ipad Giveaway - one to each main event winner during the week 3) 5 x Ipad prize draws - entry via promo code (earn 55 poker points each day) 4) £1,000 Freeroll - you have 5 mins each day to enter (55 pts) runs Sat 11th 5) 5 x 50% Happy Hour Points Boosteach day at 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 6pm, 11pm. PLUS, at 5:55pm each day you will have 5 minutes to earn 5 times your normal poker points!
We'll also have some great prizes on Channel 865 too!
Anyone think they could do some kinda happy hour for non cash tables, or am I being stupid and they already do it.
Like I've been playing £3.15 HU SnGs where you get 2 points a game, maybe just make it 3 points per game for a couple of hours per day. Just made me think when I seen one of the prizes and thought it might be a good idea. Granted it's probably a better idea for the players than Sky lol but I'm not so sure, bet it would do any harm for Sky having tons of people playing HU SnGs, imagine the rake with how fast you can get through them.
This is the bit on the page we think you are referring to:
iPad Giveaway - Prize Draw
We will give away an iPad each day for customers who earn 55 poker points or more on each separate day from Monday to Friday.
To take part:
1) Enter promo code SKYFIVE, it can be entered from 00:00:01 6/2/12 to 23:59:59 GMT 10/2/12 – the promo code only needs to be entered once. 2) Earn 55 poker points on each separate day. For example, if you earn 55 points or more on the 6/2/12 you would be entered into the draw for that day and the winner will be announced on the 7/2/12. If you earn less than 55 poker points on the 7/2/12, you wouldn’t be entered into the prize draw for that day.
That's a pretty impressive bunch of promotions. Good luck to all my fellow forum members next week.
Happy Birthday Sky Poker!
Honeyyyyyy, I'm homeeeeeee
Morning all, don't forget this starts today!
Like I've been playing £3.15 HU SnGs where you get 2 points a game, maybe just make it 3 points per game for a couple of hours per day. Just made me think when I seen one of the prizes and thought it might be a good idea. Granted it's probably a better idea for the players than Sky lol but I'm not so sure, bet it would do any harm for Sky having tons of people playing HU SnGs, imagine the rake with how fast you can get through them.
P.S. What's the promo code for prize number 3?
This is the bit on the page we think you are referring to:
iPad Giveaway - Prize Draw
We will give away an iPad each day for customers who earn 55 poker points or more on each separate day from Monday to Friday.
To take part:
1) Enter promo code SKYFIVE, it can be entered from 00:00:01 6/2/12 to 23:59:59 GMT 10/2/12 – the promo code only needs to be entered once.
2) Earn 55 poker points on each separate day. For example, if you earn 55 points or more on the 6/2/12 you would be entered into the draw for that day and the winner will be announced on the 7/2/12. If you earn less than 55 poker points on the 7/2/12, you wouldn’t be entered into the prize draw for that day.