I am wanting to start playing cash on a reg basis and am still trying to adjust, just had a 3 hr session 4 tabling nl4 and to put it was a disastrous session!!!
I had a mix of cruel outdraws, difficult spots (2 pair v straight) and not being able to fold tptk....sigh i never learn. I only played my premium hands strongly, folding when I missed and betting big when I hit but things turned bad and I ended up 7 quid down.
Is this standard for a bad session? Should i stick with it?? Or should I accept that I can't play cash?! On most of the tables I played I managed to get up to 5-6 quid only to spew most of it off in 1 hand, so should I leave the table when I get to 6 quid and open another table with 4 quid???? Or maybe just play 1 hour sessions at a time?
Sorry for all the questions but I need some help! haha
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sorry to hear your 1st session never went to well m8 but its cash your goin 2 get sessions you lose a few buyins and then there is sessions you are going to be on fire so would not worry about one session as long you have more good sessions than bad overall you`ll be fine.
also if you are playing well getting it in with the best to get unlucky you know yourself in the long run you will win money its poker it happens.When your talking about leaving table when your at £6 I personally stay till a get to £10-£12 then bank it lol it works for me unless there is someone goin crazy I just stay and hope to get the lot.
one last thing I`ve played againist you a few times in mtts,dym`s so know you have a good game so i have full confidence you will suceed at cash so stick at it for a bit you will enjoy it when you get those winning sessions and your bankroll increases best of luck m8.
some days you just walk into bigger hand after bigger hand, ive had days where i lost 10 buyins at nl4 thru a combo of reasons(bad play by me combined with coolers) but i know that i can have plenty winning sessions that cover this n more
it may also be a case of not knowing the players yet at the level coz tptk is normaly the nuts against a large % of players there.
i'd treat the nxt week as a learning week, mix up you length of sessions, maybe banking a half buyin profit as you said, and getting notes on certain players
For example, you're never not gonna get AA pre if you have the chance, but I did it in the DTD last night, called by QQ and lost, so that would be £4 gone at 4NL. You can't get too down about bad beats/outdraws/coolers. Say you flop, a straight 9 times out of 10 the hands you get it in against will be pairs, two pairs, sets, so that one time in 10 when it's against a flush, it sucks and sometimes, you'll get 2-3 of them in one night, but it will even out.
don,t get too down on yourself,
it,s only 1 session.
it can be tough mate,
i,ve just been grinding for 5 hours @nl4 playing 6 tables....
guess how much i won.......
keep on getting your money in good,
and you,ll be ok in the long run.
best wishes
£7 isn't alot especially on 4 tables- I did £9 this afternoon and got back half this evening.
Playing the same way but this afternoon they hit or I didn't believe. Tonight I hit or read it right.
At nl4 that's just the way it goes. You'll get ups and downs and get the "I don't believe it!" moments.
I had a time when I was low on confidence, and I banked profits when I was a couple of quid up as I was certain the inevitable loss was coming. I probably lost value on the tables but seeing the br go up consistently gave me confidence and meant the losses were easier to bear.
good luck
I had same last night 6 tabled nl10 for about 2 hours and was £7 down but on assessment opponents did a few get there on the rivers, nevermind just play aswell next session and will be laughing.
Seriously keep it very ABC nl4, i played it a few weeks ago when rebuilding my roll. also i would note TPTK is generally good alot of the time
How many tables are you playing? 6+ would be good if u can @nl4 IMO as is very ABC and its very easy to make a call here and there
ty for all your comments and advice
YG, i can't play any more than 4 tables or my laptop freezes....just about to have a couple of hours now and see how it goes!
good to hear from you lorraine, but not a fan of that dirty orange font!!! lol hope tkp are treat you well!
2bi down - huge downswing
Cmon give it a chance - log 10K hands then see how u are doing. You could easily be crushing a level and lose 6bi in 3hrs
i just thought it would be a walk in the park thats all, as i said i'm new to cash and was just wondering what to expect
just had another couple of hours 3 tabling and came away 63p down, qq v kk and getting it in with 10's on a 924 flop against 4's were the costly hands but managed to claw my way back up. I'm gonna stick with it though as i quite enjoy it tbh, makes a nice change from mtts all the time