Hello you!
We have a solid sunday evenings Pokertainment lined up for you from 7 this weekend featuring a look back on thursday nights 15K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter and highlights from sundays main event - The Primo.
Fresh from his SPT victory in Luton our resident expert will be one Julian YoYo Thew and we have a great guest in the shape of UKIPT winner Jamie Burland. Jamie will be joining us for 'Analyse My Play' from 8 and is keen to talk about your poker leaks. Most people are aware they have leaks in their game but aren't so sure how to go about plugging them. So cards on the table what is your biggest poker leak? Jamie's been coaching for the last couple of years now and is on hand to really improve your game
On 'Sky Poker School' from 9 we'll be looking at ‘playing small pocket pairs in MTT’s’ Are you an aggressive player that likes this hand out of position? Do you alter your play with this hand depending on the level/stage of the tournament? Let us know your experience of playing small pocket pairs and Julian and Jamie will offer up their top tips.
Mr Thew also thinks we can have some fun with 'worst hands ever played' on the show, SO! what sticks out in your mind? Could be a hand you've witnessed or played, either way we'd love to hear your nomination for the 'worst hand ever played'
Add to all that highlights from the sky poker tv tables from 10 on 'Top of Sky Poker' and highlights from The Primo on 'Sky Poker Highlights' from 11 and ladies and gents we have ourselves a show!
GL on the tables, look forward to hearing from you
Sarah xx
I can't wait for the show tomorrow, and am hoping to get my leaks addressed by your esteemed guests. I will definitely E-mail in to see if they can assist a hopeless case like myself in the art of improvement. Bring on the fun. Shame we have to wait till tomorrow.
Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
My biggest leak - In tournaments, I can't play for long without having 5 or 10 minutes of pure, unadulterated spewage. Happens most often when I start feeling comfortable at a table, and start thinking "Seat 4 is a nit, let's start 3 betting every hand with 8 high". Before I know it, I've called a 4 bet, and fired 3 barrels with 8 high, and opponent turns over a set of aces or something. Oops!
Great stuff guys, keep em coming, anything you have on poker leaks, pocket pairs and worst hands ever all welcome!
See you from 7 x
*Must not post on skypoker while on the wireless.... Must not post on skypoker while on the wireless*
My biggest leak, one of many I'm sure, is when I have a big pocket pair ie KK or QQ and giving up when the flop comes down ace high and I give up when my opponent bets as I always believe they have it when simple common sense says they can't always. I won't get into playing rag suited aces or over playing small pocket pairs pre flop as there is not enough time and I don't want to expose all my leaks on national tv!
Do Julian and Jamie have any major leaks that they have plugged and if they have could they please share how they overcome them.
Have a great show
Have a good show guys and safe trip, Sarah
Has my post been read out yet? Only just turned the telly on, hoping I haven't missed it lol