I went over to Ben's (Bensbird11) to play with him in the games tonight, for some reason my computer didn't like his wifi
I lost connection in every hand so If I had connection at the right time I had to only push or fold pre flop as I lost connection before river
So sorry to everyone I donked, I also accidently pressed call instead of fold by mistake to an all in pre flop with 8 10 in my hand for a lot of chips, didn't see the cards as I lost connection but I did double up my chips so I must have won the hand
I must apologise if I donked you in tonights DTD I went over to Ben's (Bensbird11) to play with him in the games tonight, for some reason my computer didn't like his wifi I lost connection in every hand so If I had connection at the right time I had to only push or fold pre flop as I lost connection before river So sorry to everyone I donked, I also accidently pressed call instead of fold by mistake to an all in pre flop with 8 10 in my hand for a lot of chips, didn't see the cards as I lost connection but I did double up my chips so I must have won the hand I'll play from home next week lol Posted by MacMonster
lol that why you called yeah a shoved wae aq it was haf ur stack 2 call and u snapped wae 10 8 off i was like what!
I must apologise if I donked you in tonights DTD I went over to Ben's (Bensbird11) to play with him in the games tonight, for some reason my computer didn't like his wifi I lost connection in every hand so If I had connection at the right time I had to only push or fold pre flop as I lost connection before river So sorry to everyone I donked, I also accidently pressed call instead of fold by mistake to an all in pre flop with 8 10 in my hand for a lot of chips, didn't see the cards as I lost connection but I did double up my chips so I must have won the hand I'll play from home next week lol Posted by MacMonster
GOOD LUCK to all playing tonight ESP. TKP
Couldn't make it tonight as i've still got some work to finish for tomorrow morning.
I'll keep an eye on the final tables and may get to play in the toty.
least i know why you called now lol
Vwd Michael