Does anyone else suffer from this whilst playing Online Poker?
For No apparent reason whilst playing online Poker, your Backside goes Numb? sometimes it can be a foot, Toes, Thigh, Legs, even an elbow or wrist, and fingers seem to go Numb for no apparent reason.
Whats it all about eh!
I have a Nice office Chair, Keyboard at correct height, one of those fancy pants mice thingy Majingies that are supposed to be good for this type of problem (Just Can't Remember the Name of It) Monitor at eye level etc etc etc.
Is it just me getting older? too much time on the poker?
Anyone Else Suffer from Random Numb Generator?
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"You listening to me"
"errrrrrr shall I call "
I lol'd at this, thats happened to me before too and no matter how much your brain tells you its ok to stand on's clearly not and disaster ensues lol
Although not as bad as the one where I regged for all the Main Events one evening and woke up and found out to my horror that I had missed them all lol