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Is the standard really any better at 5p/10 than at 2p/4p?

Donut64Donut64 Member Posts: 2,666
edited February 2012 in The Poker Clinic
I played at a higher level tonight and this is what you get!

Yes I know raising under the gun with 5/6 off is madness in itself but the hands I was repping would surely would have got 2p/4p players to put what he had down because most are better than this!

Upto this point the only hand I had bet all 3 streets with was an over pair! Is this normal at this level, as if it is I will play again but just a little more conservative.

Ps If this guy asks me to do him a Top Trump do I give him a 0 for Folding or a 10 for Reading! :P

Hand History #483001517 (19:48 23/02/2012)

linlar Small blind
£0.05 £0.05 £9.85
Big blind   £0.10 £0.15 £26.48
  Your hole cards
  • 5
  • 6
Donut64 Raise   £0.40 £0.55 £23.27
AL_THE_PAL Fold        
maruff Fold        
linlar Call   £0.35 £0.90 £9.50
Call   £0.30 £1.20 £26.18
  • 7
  • 7
  • J
linlar Check        
Donut64 Bet   £0.90 £2.10 £22.37
linlar Fold        
Call   £0.90 £3.00 £25.28
  • A
Donut64 Bet   £2.25 £5.25 £20.12
Call   £2.25 £7.50 £23.03
  • Q
Donut64 Bet   £5.63 £13.13 £14.49
Call   £5.63 £18.76 £17.40
Donut64 Show
  • 5
  • 6
  • 3
  • 3
Win Two Pairs, 7s and 3s £17.36   £34.76


  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2012
    simple answer imo is only the regs get better as you move on up, the majority of players are just there because they want a game imo. - certainly the case for tournaments anyways but even higher up in cash maybe less limping but on the whole imo just avoid regs and print money long term.

    Onto this hand, i probably give up by river.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2012

    No need to raise UTG w/56 at all, just no need for balance at this level

    fold pre

    but once called on turn - give up / may even just give up after your called on flop
  • Curt360x27Curt360x27 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2012

    Following on from what the_don90 said really there is no difference when moving up the levels people always seem to be scared of moving up but as long as you have the right roll there is no need to be because the dynamic of the tables is pretty much the same as the level your moving up from and that goes for every level. Basically on the tables there will be regs and fish the regs at say nl100 are going to be better than regs at nl10 but the fish are still fish whether there playing nl100 or nl10.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Is the standard really any better at 5p/10 than at 2p/4p?:
    Following on from what the_don90 said really there is no difference when moving up the levels people always seem to be scared of moving up but as long as you have the right roll there is no need to be because the dynamic of the tables is pretty much the same as the level your moving up from and that goes for every level. Basically on the tables there will be regs and fish the regs at say nl100 are going to be better than regs at nl10 but the fish are still fish whether there playing nl100 or nl10.
    Posted by Curt360x27
    youve probably worded my point better.
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited February 2012
    I would hope that you identified this guy as capable of hand reading/range assigning/bet respecting before you attempted to triple barrel air bluff him.

    It's not just about your image.. you could be the nittiest player in the world and barrel there but guys like this won't recognize this, they just want to get to showdown coz 'well i has 2 pairs init'
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited February 2012
    Choose your oppo's better, some people don't like folding EVER.
  • Donut64Donut64 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Is the standard really any better at 5p/10 than at 2p/4p?:
    Choose your oppo's better, some people don't like folding EVER.
    Posted by Dudeskin8
     I must admit this guys name is now stored in my memory bank!
  • Donut64Donut64 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Is the standard really any better at 5p/10 than at 2p/4p?:
    No need to raise UTG w/56 at all, just no need for balance at this level fold pre but once called on turn - give up / may even just give up after your called on flop
    Posted by rancid
     Agreed, I would have not tried this at 2p/4p so why I thought it would work at 5p/10p I dont know. I expected the guy to think like me, if someone had shown so much strength I would have been putting down long before the river unless I had a much better hand.
  • rolfusrolfus Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2012
    Don't raise 65o UTG there is no good reason to. At 5p/10p you just want to value bet. I think you could probably play 88+, AT+ and JTs+ and make decent money.

    I actually like your turn and river bet but donkeys are going to call or he's just really good lol
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2012

    In Response to Re: Is the standard really any better at 5p/10 than at 2p/4p?:
    In Response to Re: Is the standard really any better at 5p/10 than at 2p/4p? :  Agreed, I would have not tried this at 2p/4p so why I thought it would work at 5p/10p I dont know. I expected the guy to think like me, if someone had shown so much strength I would have been putting down long before the river unless I had a much better hand.
    Posted by Donut64


    Take your thinking a bit further and oppo thinks like you.

    They would be calling with better hands because you raised UTG.

    So your in  very bad shape playing this oop.

    Therefore unless you flop 2 pr/SD you hand is a c bet flop hand and nothing else.

    Whatever hand you rep on turn is more likely to be in oppo hand, plus once you fire turn you just gotta fire river to make oppo lay down anything, because oppo’s don’t just lay down to the first fire, which in this case is the turn because the flop is standard c bet texture.


    Oppo played hand fine imo, you played It just like spew

    And trust me I spew more than most )


    Btw  NL4 and NL10 play the same

  • Donut64Donut64 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Is the standard really any better at 5p/10 than at 2p/4p?:
    In Response to Re: Is the standard really any better at 5p/10 than at 2p/4p? :   Take your thinking a bit further and oppo thinks like you. They would be calling with better hands because you raised UTG. So your in   very bad shape playing this oop. Therefore unless you flop 2 pr/SD you hand is a c bet flop hand and nothing else. Whatever hand you rep on turn is more likely to be in oppo hand, plus once you fire turn you just gotta fire river to make oppo lay down anything, because oppo’s don’t just lay down to the first fire, which in this case is the turn because the flop is standard c bet texture.   Oppo played hand fine imo, you played It just like spew And trust me I spew more than most )   Btw   NL4 and NL10 play the same
    Posted by rancid
     I will go back to 2p/4p for now and try to build a balance, then when I move up I will play the same way and not try to get to clever! This level may have cost me money, but as been a valuable learning experiance!
     Thanks for all replys you have all been very helpfull!
  • DrSharpDrSharp Member Posts: 1,213
    edited February 2012
    10NL is a better standard due to more regs and thats the only reason. At NL4 there could be 20 tables running and there will be at least 5 full of names you have never seen before, at NL10 there are usually recognisable names on every table and often more than one which means less fishies to aim at.

    Fish are fish at any level be it NL4 or NL200 but they defo become less frequent as you move up. 
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