let,s rewind 3 years.
started up a home game,
myself,my brother & "a friend".
playing texas holdem,£50 buy-in.
playing on a thursday evening,once a week.
a few weeks go by...
a "friend" of this "friend" wants in,
(this "friend",just so happens to be my life-long "best friend".
still with me?.
we play for a few more weeks...
adding the odd week-end game too.
"i know,let,s buy a poker table and some proper chips"i say......yeh.
so we all "chip-in"(like it)and now we are proper poker player,s...aren,t we?
the buy-in gradually increases,£60 ...£70 £75
this carries on and another "friend" of the first "friend"wants to play.
so he joins us.
great 5 of us now.
only 2 "house rules"
no drinking alchohol..fair enough,you know that losing money
and drinking just don,t mix.
and,no smoking at the table.
being the only "non-smoker"there
this was an issue to begin with,but i wasn,t backing down.
6 months later....
still the 5 of us.
now we are well organised,pizzas,chocolate biscuits,cups of teas,
we know how to live down in devon you know.
my birthday,
of course we are playing,
finished work early,
mid afternoon..tea time...
think we better call it a day chaps...
i am £100 down..
what a ****** birhday,
"one to remember"someone giggles,
yeh,very funny.
later on...
i get a txt,
"fancy another game tonight..it is your birthday?"
so like a lamb to the you know what.
"yeh,ok then".
it,s now i don,t know,about 1 or 2 in the morning.
no longer my birthday anyway.
i know what you are thinking..
"you won it all back..and some?"
lost another £120.
let,s put it this way,
"i,ve had better ones".
still,i guess it was one to remember!!!
to cut a very long story short...
the game finished after just about a year.
one of the players taxi shifts got changed,
he couldn,t make the thursday any longer
so the game stopped.
it was fun
it was competitive
it was expensive...
in total i lost £600.
but i woudn,t change it for the world!!!!
then it was the next chapter..
joined you guys at sky,
deposited £50...
won a bit
withdrew the £50.
now playing with "free money"
win a bit more...
withdraw £300
win a bit more..
withdraw another £400..
order a new computer..
up to date.
just goes to show you guys out there
who maybe struggling atm..
"there,s always hope"
i know ..
bob hope & no *******hope!
hope you enjoyed it
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thanks mate,
i was refering to
do you mind me posting this
as i was unsure what reaction it might get.
any better?
thought it had had it,s 1 day of fame
and disapeared...lol x
if it made you smile
it was worth it..lol
wasn,t always a winning player....lol
if i can do it...
so can anyone.
work out where you are making mistakes,
correct it.
find a dicipline that you enjoy....
run with it.