Oppo just joined table, so readless, the oppo's check on the river made me think I could get him off the pot.
Ur opinions plz. These spots are ruining my session, seemed to get called down lighter than I expect.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceKIBENSmall blind £0.20£0.20£30.33KKripplerBig blind £0.40£0.60£34.98 Your hole cardsKQ foldemagenFold KIBENRaise £1.40£2.00£28.93KKripplerCall £1.20£3.20£33.78Flop 5A9 KIBENBet £2.10£5.30£26.83KKripplerCall £2.10£7.40£31.68Turn J KIBENCheck KKripplerBet £4.00£11.40£27.68KIBENRaise £8.00£19.40£18.83KKripplerCall £4.00£23.40£23.68River 4 KIBENCheck KKripplerAll-in £23.68£47.08£0.00KIBENAll-in £18.83£65.91£0.00KKripplerUnmatched bet £4.85£61.06£4.85KIBENShow8A KKripplerShowKQ KIBENWinPair of Aces£59.26 £59.26
when you flat his minraise on the turn a weak player is going to think they are ahead almost always here.
then the 4 on the river changes nothing...it looks like he was ahead on the turn so no reason to think that has changed.
are there any hands you shove for value on that river that you wouldn't reraise with on the turn to get it in?
Kind of seems like you put yourself in odd spots then out level yourself. Frankly, if you are willing to play for it all on the river, you can apply equal pressure cheaper on earlier streets. Am not essentialy advising this, but am saying if we are willing to put it in as a bluff on river, why not get it in (or larger pieces of your stack in) with equity on turn flop, rather than only being able to win pot when we can force a fold. Oh, and learn how to take a free card
After seeing a few of your posts I suspect your table mates have a reasonable read on your objectives, river shove looks totally desperate in this spot btw. Concentrate more on losing min, vbing max, rather than going after pots ott on river, which you seem to like to do alot
River shove is really bad here after turn min cr.
Krippler you are burning money, what makes you think he fold river with 18 behind?
3-bet pre, c-bet flop, check turn if checked to (If villain is still here ovc its then ovb he has A or some made hand; in other words; not folding) give up on the river; NEXT HAND!