Hi Sky
I'm surprised that a higher percentage rake is charged for DYM SNGs for your new customers trying to learn the game by playing at the lower stakes to try to make a few pounds in order to move up the stakes.
25p and 50p games are charged 20% rake; £1.00 games are charged 15%; £2.00 games are charged 12.5%; and yet £3.00 and higher games are only charged 10%.
As you know, this means that a 25p game player has to win 60 out of 100 games simply to break even after rake, no mean task, whereas a £3.00 game player has to win only 55 games out of 100 to break even after rake.
This seems backwards to me as it is obviously much harder for a serious novice to win 60%+ of the time than it is for a more experienced player to win 55%+ of the time to enable them to move upwards and onwards without them having to keep depositing new money.
From Sky Poker's point of view, it costs no more to provide the games for novices, and 10% gross profit from every player, no matter what the game stake, seems to me to be a far more equitable way of operating the tables.
My suggestion is to correct this unfair anomaly and change the rake on all DYM SNG games to 10%.
Is there any justification for collecting the higher rake percentage from your new players that I have missed? I would have thought that many businesses might even consider having a loss leader to encourage new customers to stay around and become regular customers by charging less rake while they learn the game at the lowest stakes. Dare I say it: perhaps 25p + 2p rake?
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To win 60% of the time, you will need to be considerably better than your opponents, and you won't get better until you play a lot of games. If you and your opponents continue to play the micro-games, your and their skill will increase similarly, and therefore you will win maybe 45% to 55% of your games, depending on the mix. If your skill over your opponents' increases considerably, by the time you are good enough to win 60% of the games, and breaking even after the rake, to justify moving up the stakes based on your skill, the group of players above you are likely to have left you in the dust, in skill terms.
I know in practice that this is not totally realistic, but, in terms of the percentage of rake taken by Sky Poker, once again I maintain that it is not fair or helpful to novices to have to pay the much higher rake, and I ask that Sky Poker considers changing the structure to, at worst, an equal percentage of rake, whatever the stakes played may be.
Regrettably, as no Sky Poker Representative has commented, I realise I am probably tilting at windmills, unless other players join me in this crusade for fairness all round.
But the rake has been the same since DYM first rolled out here on sky and getting skypoker to take a pay cut despite its unfair rake policy in DYMs will be very difficult if not impossible.
if the rake was 5% id grind these till i was blue in the face but as it stands at 10% im not touching them there is better value elsewhere
Having read your post, the 20% rake charged for the new players to learn the game now appears even worse than I thought!
Do Sky policy-makers ever read these threads and explain their thinking? I must say I can't see any valid reason to charge the relatively extortionate 20% rake to their new customers, who, presumably, they want to stay as customers, after their advertising has been successful and brought them here as against them going to try one of the bigger and more established poker rooms. Why irritate these new customers and "force" them to try the other rooms to see if there is better value elsewhere?
"If they would just get rid of the raking every two dimes in pot scheme it might let these micro players build up a bankroll and move up to low and mid limits eventually. Otherwise they just kill the tadpoles before they grow into frogs, and there is nothing in the pond for the fish to eat, unless they want to play .02/.04 tadpoles. But even they couldn't overcome the rake there.
"I say let the tadpoles play rake free and don't even begin to rake until you get to .25/.50 limit games. It's not unreasonable to ask for this. We want to nurture the micro's so they can make some money and feel some success so they WANT to move up in limits. Going from .02/.04 then to .05/.10 then to .10/.20 is a natural progression for micro players starting out and if those games are not raked you will help the biggest pool of limit players now on [another poker network] to be able to move into the low limit games at a larger and faster rate. Most now just die in the micros going broke because it all goes to the rake after a few thousand hands played if that. They don't think they are good players and they stop playing altogether. It's true. I know this to be true. So please help the tadpoles survive so we can have players moving up in limits and the games can get healthy again. It won't be instant, it will take time to see the improvement, it will actually be **** slow getting the limit players back in numbers, but it can be done. You just have to nurture the micro players first so they can feel success from actually beating lesser skilled players. If the best players on micros still lose because of rake then limit will never have any hope to stay feasible.
"A quarter per $5 is the way to go then at the low limits , with the accepted caps in place also."
n Response to Re: DYM SNG Rake Suggestion:
This makes sense to me. If you can attract customers to join your site by offering lower rakes at lower stakes, then you will have more customers. even if a small % build a bankroll and begin to play higher stakes, then you will make money in the long run.
By having higher rakes at micro levels, you are making it more difficult for players to build a roll, therefore effectively discouraging players from transcending to the next level.