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is this suspicious

margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
edited November 2009 in Poker Chat
In a DYM tourney. were down to the bubble and these 2 players were in heads up a lot and no betting ever took place both kept checking all the time, and i am talking about 15 hands neither wanted to bet. 1 was low on chips but the other was chip leader by a long way way i might add. 

It just seemed very strange that neither wanted to bet against the other but if they were heads up against other people they would bet? just seemed to be a pattern developing to me .... any thoughts?


  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited November 2009
    The bigger stack should usually bet.

    the little stack would probably be happy at taking the blinds hense why no betting by them.
  • NICONNICON Member Posts: 68
    edited November 2009
    they could be friends who are in same tourny and don't want to take the other out. not good but as long as there is no verbal collusion I.E on saying to the other "don't bet i've got aces" then there isn't a lot that could be done
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited November 2009
    sounds it margate but this does happen
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited November 2009
    If you believe there has been some collusion you should report it, I wouldn't expect to see 15 hands checked all the way so it does seem a little suspicious.
  • BeastieBoyBeastieBoy Member Posts: 68
    edited November 2009
    Going off your description it certainly seems like they were, at least, playing soft against each other.  Report it to Sky support and if there is any evidence of cheating/collusion they'll be able to detect it and take appropriate action.
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited November 2009
    MSN has a lot to answer for...........
  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2009
    i am not sure really to be honest, it was a pattern that just hit you right between the eyes an you thought hold on!! this don't seem right, know what i mean? it just stuck out like a sore thumb that's all ;)
  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: is this suspicious:
    MSN has a lot to answer for...........
    Posted by elsadog
    don't it just lol ..... hadn't thought of that, as for reporting it, won't be bothering. I went out on the bubble so it will just appear sour grapes. It really aint that important to me. just wanted to know if it was just me being a bit sore or wether others thought the same as i did ;) made notes so i'll know em if i see em again!
  • sophiesmumsophiesmum Member Posts: 259
    edited November 2009

    Is that the £5.50 DYM I was in?  Can't speak for anyone else but I think I was the low chip stack most of the time and to be honest I was crocheting at the same time - got to get on with matinee coat or baby will be walking. LOL

  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2009
    It was indeed an i'd never seen anything like it before ;)
  • sophiesmumsophiesmum Member Posts: 259
    edited November 2009
    I did think it was weird and was feeling exceptionally frustrated but didn't have the chips to do much about it - rather like you. However, I will apologise for my AQ of spades beating your KJ of spades. 
  • LYDGATELYDGATE Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2009
    Hi MM

    I was once accused of that in a chat box after the short stack had been knocked out.  Sometimes when playing DYMs my philosophy is; why risk a bet against another large stack when there is only one more person to be knocked out and they only have 3 or 4 big blinds left. 

    Maybe the players in your game had my tactics too?

    Hope this helps

  • LYDGATELYDGATE Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: is this suspicious:
    Hi MM I was once accused of that in a chat box after the short stack had been knocked out.  Sometimes when playing DYMs my philosophy is; why risk a bet against another large stack when there is only one more person to be knocked out and they only have 3 or 4 big blinds left.  Maybe the players in your game had my tactics too? Hope this helps Gav
    Posted by LYDGATE
    Just realised that you said one of the players was short stacked.  NOT the 2 large stacks
  • cumminscummins Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2009
    personally  in double your money i think if you have a stack of 4000+ and there is someone on 1,000 and the others are around 3,000...  there not much point getting involved and risking being dragged back to the pack because if you dont get involved 9 out of 10 times you finish top 3 with ease... This may have been why there was so many checks, short stack may have been slow playing to try get a bet, but then there's normally a bet on the river if one has hit, if hands were being won on high cards in showdowns you know why they were checking!
  • namesb0ndnamesb0nd Member Posts: 402
    edited November 2009
    they could be friends communicating somehow or even in the same room!But surely if that was the case the big stack would have deliberatly given his short stacked friend chips?
  • nirvana29nirvana29 Member Posts: 489
    edited November 2009
    are you suggesting they know eachother or sumthhing, chatting on msn and double teaming you?
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: is this suspicious:
    In Response to Re: is this suspicious : don't it just lol ..... hadn't thought of that, as for reporting it, won't be bothering. I went out on the bubble so it will just appear sour grapes. It really aint that important to me. just wanted to know if it was just me being a bit sore or wether others thought the same as i did ;) made notes so i'll know em if i see em again!
    Posted by margatemaf
    I wouldn't worry about it too much it could just be that they are two very passive players but if you come across them again and they do the same thing I would consider reporting them.  If Sky check them out and they are innocent no harm done but if they ARE rogues then Sky can deal with them accordingly.
  • LadyFingrsLadyFingrs Member Posts: 613
    edited November 2009
    probably not colluding in a £5 dym
  • TorryladdTorryladd Member Posts: 503
    edited November 2009

    Also if the big stack played loose doubling up the small stack he would be unpopular for that as well

  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: is this suspicious:
    In Response to Re: is this suspicious : I wouldn't worry about it too much it could just be that they are two very passive players but if you come across them again and they do the same thing I would consider reporting them.  If Sky check them out and they are innocent no harm done but if they ARE rogues then Sky can deal with them accordingly.
    Posted by Kiwini4u
    Hi kwini,

    it just seemed wierd that's all you had to be there to understand it mate. It just didn't look right in any shape or form. But had explanation so all's good in the hood. It just raised my suspicion after all the talk recently about player collusion esp in DYM. If i had of taken it seriously i would of fronted players out in chat and then reported it to sky ;)
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