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Insta call? Minced hand?

bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
edited March 2012 in The Poker Clinic

Chip leader at final table of £10BH. Table has seemed fairly solid. I've stolen a few blinds and am painfully addicted to playing suited connectors at the best of times. Have I got to call the shove given the maths?

papadoc Small blind  1000.00 1000.00 39712.50
adejan1 Big blind  2000.00 3000.00 38977.50
  Your hole cards
  • 4
  • 5
khokhar07 Fold     
bullyboy11 Fold     
bandini Raise  4000.00 7000.00 43830.00
papadoc Call  3000.00 10000.00 36712.50
adejan1 Call  2000.00 12000.00 36977.50
  • K
  • 10
  • K
papadoc Check     
adejan1 Check     
bandini Bet  6000.00 18000.00 37830.00
papadoc Call  6000.00 24000.00 30712.50
adejan1 Fold     
  • A
papadoc Check     
bandini Bet  12000.00 36000.00 25830.00
papadoc All-in  30712.50 66712.50 0.00


  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited March 2012
    If you call you'll pretty much stack yourself with a low flush-draw on a paired board with one card to come. You shouldn't have got into this situation in the first place but now you shouldn't follow up earlier mistakes with one more by calling.

    You can't use pot-odds to justify the call because you've no idea whether your draw is live. Pot odds are only applicable if we know we have x% chance of winning the hand and the pot odds correspond to that percentage. You are drawing dead here to so many hands. Just fold, lick your wounds and play on with 13BB.
  • barnsiebarnsie Member Posts: 496
    edited March 2012
    agree with bl im afraid

    looks a bit of a butchers job if you dont mind me saying , as played fold and wait still have a decentish stack
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited March 2012
    Thanks for the replies. Interesting.

    Where do you think I butchered it? Pre? Surely can do that with ATCs? Post-flop? Hard to put anyone on a King, thought I could have folded out a lot of hands? Post-turn? Thought I could have folded out other FDs and tens?

    Oh and fold I did. He showed KJ. I ran KK into AA 5 hands later, lol.
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited March 2012
    There's nothing wrong with betting the button, pre-flop. Getting called in two spots is less than ideal and when the flop comes down and it's checked to us, there's not too much wrong with the half-pot bet... When this is called though, we should just give it up. Betting the turn is just going to put us in trouble too often. We're betting into a board that smacks our opponent's range right in the mouth and given that our opponent has only a little over a pot-bet back, we have to think that he called the flop with something. Sometimes we just have to give up on a hand. The pre-flop calling range of the two players includes so many of these paint cards, that he must have some sort of made hand.
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited March 2012
    check back turn
  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited March 2012
    [x] minced

    u have 21.5bb's, Villains have even less, fold 45s pre, unless sb+bb are uber-nits! which in a £10 donkey hunter aint gonna happen

    as played...on the flop....K-10-K absolutely smacks they're defending range which is likely ....77+,A7s+,K9s+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+,QJo, they've both chosen to defend with <20bb's (which is bad), they're not folding

    remember u have 5 high vs 2 opponents that dont like folding, check flop, mebbe check-peel turn to a small bet, otherwise just muck that sh**
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited March 2012
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Insta call? Minced hand?:
    [x] minced u have 21.5bb's, Villains have even less, fold 45s pre, unless sb+bb are uber-nits! which in a £10 donkey hunter aint gonna happen as played...on the flop....K-10-K absolutely smacks they're defending range which is likely ....77+,A7s+,K9s+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+,QJo, they've both chosen to defend with <20bb's (which is bad), they're not folding remember u have 5 high vs 2 opponents that dont like folding, check flop, mebbe check-peel turn to a small bet, otherwise just muck that sh**
    Posted by sikas
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited March 2012
    So common consensus is I minced it then?

    lol, I tend to concur. Especially the turn bet.

    Bit tougher with 15secs thinking time though. I've done worse.

    Replies appreciated though.
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