We are trying to collate a list of the main teams on the Sky Poker community for a fun idea we have. But to do this, we ideally need a list of the names and the team captains - so we can discuss with them.
Can the team captains post on this thread please.
All you need to say is 'I am captain of Team _____'
Sky Poker
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elsadog - Team51 Captain reporting for duty
I'll also do what TRIP5 is doing, if this is going to cost me anything I'll nominate Maxally even though he's in a different team.
Captain - Pokertrev
Vice Captain - FlyingDagg
TSP (Team Sky Poker) Captain ?
T51 (TEAM 51) - Captain Elsadog
TNP (Team Ninja Plonkers) - Captain Acidman27
TPT (Team Poker Trev) - Captain Pokertrev
THS (Team Hit Squad) - Captain HITMAN_RV
TKP (Team Knight Poker) Captain Trip5
DYM (DYM Leg Ends) Captain 18AND5TIME
There's also Team SOLACK which consists of - SOLACK Team Captain
Thanks for your posts, we have a few ideas but let's start with this one:
'Battle of The Captains'
We enter you in a tournament with just the team captains in (using Trev's list):
T51 (TEAM 51) - Captain Elsadog
TNP (Team Ninja Plonkers) - Captain Acidman27
TPT (Team Poker Trev) - Captain Pokertrev
THS (Team Hit Squad) - Captain HITMAN_RV
TKP (Team Knight Poker) Captain Trip5
DYM (DYM Leg Ends) Captain 18AND5TIME
There will be other opportunities for your team members to take part in future events but for the first game, you must lead by example and play for the pride of your team!
So how about we do this tonight guys, say 7:30pm?
Sky Poker
Knew you'd be the one to spot that Alan! We've fixed our post, thanks.
Anyway, Irene probably plays well when she's angry!
Thanks for posting on FB.
Captains my Captains... ...we are going to put this tournament in the lobby soon. Hopefully everyone can make it!
Team members - if you can help us tell your captains (FB, Twitter, email etc) that would help.
Obviously you are playing for pride but we've put a few quid in for added fun.
Good luck all!
It's in the lobby now.
Should be a great rail!
We've started a thread in GPC too.
I'd love to play tonight (if I'm still connected).
GL to the other Captains.
ps for next time maybe, there is also a new team trying to start called Team Goldie, Team Solack, Team Fish [MickJenn], and also a team of insignificant upstarts who always run badly in the forum team league, called Team Sky or something!!
But seems you have put the Main regulars in!!
TY Sky Great idea, hope we can involve more Team members later!!
Champions Runners-up
May '11 Team Knightplop Team HitSquad
June '11 Team PokerTrev Team HitSquad
July '11 Team 51 Team PokerTrev
Aug.'11 Team PokerTrev Team 51
Sept.'11 Team 51 Team HitSquad
Oct. '11 Team HitSquad Team 51
Nov.'11 Team PokerTrev Team Hitsquad
Dec.'11 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev
Jan.'12 Team PokerTrev Team 51
Feb.'12 DYM LegEnds Team Hitsquad
Good chance to publicise our Team DTD Championship!!
Some GREAT PLAYERS have WON this on a Monday nite.......esp recently!!
Forum DTD Team Table March WEEK 3
Team Runners Wins Team pts League pts
HitSquad 64 4 41 20
Pokertrev 44 0 31 16
Team 51 33 1 39 15
DYM LegEnds 12 0 10 9
KnightPoker 16 1 9 8
Ninja Plonkers 11 0 0 8
Team Solack 3 1 10 7
Team Sky 1 0 0 1