big_steelSmall blind £0.10£0.10£17.90GFKIJKLLBig blind £0.20£0.30£39.51 Your hole cards72 -bogie-Fold RIR1187Raise £1.00£1.30£19.08big_steelCall £0.90£2.20£17.00GFKIJKLLFold Flop 244 big_steelCheck RIR1187Check Turn 3 big_steelBet £1.60£3.80£15.40RIR1187Call £1.60£5.40£17.48River 8 big_steelBet £1.80£7.20£13.60RIR1187All-in £17.48£24.68£0.00big_steelAll-in £13.60£38.28£0.00RIR1187Unmatched bet £2.08£36.20£2.08big_steelShow72 RIR1187ShowA10 big_steelWinTwo Pairs, 4s and 2s£34.40 £34.40
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joke site unreal never play here again
In 2 years on this forum I have never said this next to anyone but........
You really do need to work on your game and not blame the software.
Good luck out there.
It seems from your post that you've worked out a strategy to beat Sky / online poker.
So what are you complaining about?