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‘Bubble’ for final table….flawed thinking?.... you tell me

profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
edited March 2012 in The Poker Clinic
Here is the hand from £600 Bounty Hunter

PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceprofman15Small blind 3000.003000.0075297.50EL_BAYLEAFBig blind 6000.009000.0028075.00 Your hole cardsJA   marco2505Call 6000.0015000.00139032.50rivered632Fold    profman15Call 3000.0018000.0072297.50EL_BAYLEAFCheck    Flop  73A   profman15Check    EL_BAYLEAFCheck    marco2505Bet 18000.0036000.00121032.50profman15All-in 72297.50108297.500.00EL_BAYLEAFFold    marco2505Call 54297.50162595.0066735.00profman15ShowJA   marco2505Show33   Turn  8   River  10   marco2505WinThree 3s162595.00 229330.00

I’d just lost to BB in previous hand to flush card on river after being ahead after flop. I was behind originally so wasn’t feeling tilted.There had been a lot of ai’s recently as you’d expect.I’d aimed for final table unless I got a premier hand but wasn’t afraid to bet in right circs just not bluff so much with such big blinds. I was expecting BB to go ai possibly as his  m=8( Harrington stack/(sb+bb)) so wanted to see a flop really hence ch/fd or ch/ai if CO does not ai.and flop is favourable.BB checks but flop is favourable(top pair , good kicker)…flush draw out there so when CO bets pot I feel it can be steal, middle pair, flush draw or even AX with me ahead.I shove to entice BB and expect CO to let me go as >half his stack. It doesn’t work out like this and 33 is there. “Aaah yes”, I hear you say.( Not quite what I uttered, mind you!)…”you should raise pre flop”. My thinking to explain why I didn’t  was that BB ai would take well over one third of my stack not incl an 18k initial raise which was already ¼ of my stack. Is this thinking flawed? Should I consider ‘aiming’ for final table and laddering a bit or just play as per hand?I’d had my share of luck though.  Analysing the hand history, I’d been ai 11 times but been ahead 7 times (winning 6) and behind 4 times(winning 2) . Obviously I’d covered them sometimes. Is this amount of catastrophic ai’s (probably eight  )normal, as it seems a lot?Sorry for the length of this but I wanted to give you my thoughts at the time. I’d appreciate your thoughts . Don’t spare the rod…I can take it. It’s all part of the learning process and was still a cash after all. Cheers…….


  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited March 2012
    Shove pre. Any weakness shown by players at the late stage of an MTT needs to be pounced on! Don't let anyone get away with limping with blinds this high.
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited March 2012
    unless oppo has a knack of limping in ep strong this is always a shove pre
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited March 2012
    Firstly, the BB's M is only 4, not 8. The M refers to the number of orbits a player can survive so with a stack of 34k at the start of this hand and each orbit costing 9k, he has only 4 orbits left until he's blinded out. As I've said to you before it's better to think in terms of number of big blinds left in Sky tournaments, since there are no antes...

    In this hand the main problem you have is that you only have 12.5BB yourself and the amount of dead money in the pot is 2.5BB. This means that if you can claim the pot pre-flop, you will add 1/5 (20%) to your stack, without having to see a showdown. The fact that one opponent has limped into the pot only makes it a better opportunity for you to shove here. He may have limped with a big hand but he's more likely to have a weak hand, as he does here.

    If you're going to play the AJ with 12.5BB from the SB, you really have to shove with it. Any analysis of your play on the flop would be analysing something that should never have happened. You really did need to either shove or fold this hand pre-flop, though I think folding AJ here would have been too tight.
  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: ‘Bubble’ for final table….flawed thinking?.... you tell me:
    Firstly, the BB's M is only 4, not 8. The M refers to the number of orbits a player can survive so with a stack of 34k at the start of this hand and each orbit costing 9k, he has only 4 orbits left until he's blinded out. As I've said to you before it's better to think in terms of number of big blinds left in Sky tournaments, since there are no antes... In this hand the main problem you have is that you only have 12.5BB yourself and the amount of dead money in the pot is 2.5BB. This means that if you can claim the pot pre-flop, you will add 1/5 (20%) to your stack, without having to see a showdown. The fact that one opponent has limped into the pot only makes it a better opportunity for you to shove here. He may have limped with a big hand but he's more likely to have a weak hand, as he does here. If you're going to play the AJ with 12.5BB from the SB, you really have to shove with it. Any analysis of your play on the flop would be analysing something that should never have happened. You really did need to either shove or fold this hand pre-flop, though I think folding AJ here would have been too tight.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    Cheers Borin,
     A good explanatory clear thread. Appreciated. One point though, i made the error of m=8 legitimately ( iwas a maths teacher for 23 years so shameon me eh? Sky page had stuck for time so i was rewriting and a bit peeved!!)but would say his m=3 as i don't count the blind as being his....its gone so he is playing with m=3 when the play comes to him. Most others are going to agree the pre-flop shove or at least raise. It was the dichotomy between big stack limping which was curious and the BB with very small m value, do i want to be drawn into the melee? I was trying to give myself an escape if ai from BB then ai from CO with minimal damage. I do feel on reflection that i should have shoved as can only feel that CO would have folded. That Ace on the plus the two other cards tempted me!!
    Oh well, its anything considered hand and i appreciate the views of the frum. TY
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    Snap shove pre, 12 bbs after an open limp you have no other option. 
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited March 2012
    shove pre, shove flop
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2012
    shove pre, everything else is not even worth discussing

    note: your just not deep enough to see a flop and play poker
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited March 2012

    way to think also is if you miss the flop as you said you wanted to see it first, and you miss what then? you have just wasted a large portion of your stack! if he bets after miss you have to fold when still 2 cards to come and he could be bluffin and so wasted oportunity that might not come around again. get um in and double up to go on and win it.

  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited March 2012
    Cheers folks. Some good players here  are all giving the same advice so i think my thinking is flawed although it seemed good at the time.  Mind we've all done that at one time haven't we?
    I feel after a relatively short time tryin to learn the game that i'm making some progress and thanks to the clinic and your opinions...they certainly help to clarify and challenge my thinking.many thanks...i'm a glass half full player now for sure. Hope to see you around on the tables....

    PS If i'd have shoved do you think CO should call or even BB would/should call?
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    Once you shove that's all you have to worry about, whatever the other players decide to do is not under your control so is not worth thinking about.
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited March 2012
    I learn something new everyday as you mention.  But find forum mostly helps me organise my thoughts.  We are basically sharing HH's in lot of ways.

    In answer to your Q@ if marco is any good he will fold, but if he was any good he'd nvr limp utg there............

    But either way, do whats right (optimum), thats whats matters in the long haul.
  • thebil123thebil123 Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2012
    IF u gonna play Jam pre, i know i wouldnt call a jam with 33.
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