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£21 to £1050 HU stts only goal

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat

What title says really, I need some motivation to grind from the £1 HU sitngos upto the £50 HU games and after reading and enjoying other similar posts I've decided to do one of my own.

What I'm going to do

Starting tomorrow deposit £21 and by using a semi-aggresive bankroll management strategy of 20 buyins start playing the Heads up sitngos here on sky until I have a roll for the £50 games. Moving up when I have 20 buyins for the next level and moving down when I have less than 20 buyins. I will mainly play NLH and with a few O8 thrown in for good measure and I'll be playing the turbos and standard structure games.
I'll try to get as many games a day as I can but will be only one tabling at a time.

Why I'm doing this

For some motivation and to make sure I stick to a plan for once instead of jumping all over the place, different sites different games and to prove to myself I can do it instead of just thinking I might be able to do it.

About me

Been playing recreationally for a number of years now and see myself as a small stakes winning player, I play all the games mtts, stts, cash, NL LH PLO O8 etc which ever takes my fancy at the time, until now! :)


  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited March 2012
    good luck - you'll need it! 
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited March 2012
    This could be epic challenge, I'll be following with interest, I wish you the very best of luck.

    The start will be scary with only £21 to play with. Even if you play perfectly there's the risk an early downswing could bust your roll.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited March 2012
    Yeah, good luck with this. As GaryQQQ about busting your roll early... but really one problem is that your roll is always gonna be in danger of vanishing with 20 BIs at HU. But wish you all the best.
  • ALFIE123ALFIE123 Member Posts: 287
    edited March 2012
    Good Luck and hope variance is on your side.
    Maybe see see you when you get to the £ 10.50s as i have started playing these now as opposed to the DYMs which were starting to wreck my head
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: £21 to £1050 HU stts only goal:
    Good Luck and hope variance is on your side. Maybe see see you when you get to the £ 10.50s as i have started playing these now as opposed to the DYMs which were starting to wreck my head
    Posted by ALFIE123
    Yes, as above gl. 

    I however have stopped playing the 10.50's, as Alfie was starting to wreck my head! lol

    glglglgl More HU orientated threads plz! 

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited March 2012
    Hiya mate, one question what does your username stand for or mean, it always confuses me? lol

    Oh and good luck with the challenge, run like God early doors !
  • SevenChipsSevenChips Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2012
    Heyy mate good luck with this I am doing The same maybe see you at the tables

  • TWRAMYEPTWRAMYEP Member Posts: 351
    edited March 2012
    The worse start, played 9 games then had to get myself to the walk-in-centre after starting to feel quite rotton, doctor confirms what girlfriend thought, tonsillitis. Spent the last two days and nights in a mild feverish state unable to play. The worst seems to be over this morning and I'm going to try to get a few games in today and hopefully back to me original plan tommorow of 6+ hrs a day grinding.

    This challenge is going to be about volume so Ive decided to play alot more of the turbos from now on just to get more games in.

    so far 9 games: 6Won 3Lost

    Hopefully tomorrow i can get a full day in and get this back on track.
  • SevenChipsSevenChips Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2012
    did u die
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    hi TWRAMYEP,
    hope u r still going with your challenge.,
    and best wishes.

    (* _ *)

  • WHOAMI196WHOAMI196 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £21 to £1050 HU stts only goal:
    did u die
    Posted by SevenChips
    Hope this did not happen, but this made me chuckle :)
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited May 2012
    Best of luck.

    Love all the challenges the players on Sky set up.Run well

  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2012

    setting up these diarys / challenges does focus you and give you goals and lets you jot down your progression rather than just going at it and not really having a plan. So definately a good idea, ive done it purly because im usualy rubbish at br management so it remindes me if ive done anything stupid lol. GL with your challenge look forward to seeing how this goes :)

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