Hands: 23,353
VP$IP: 20.5
PFR: 17.5
3bet: 7.0
Postflop aggression%: 37.1
WTSD$: 26.8
Flop Cbet: 80.4
Turn Cbet: 53.7
River Cbet: 56.5
Fold to flop Cbet: 45.8
Fold to turn Cbet: 22.3
Fold to river Cbet: 40.0
Raise flop Cbet: 13.7
Raise turn Cbet: 10.6
Raise river Cbet: 15.0
Squeeze: 5.6
Vs 3bet Fold: 65.0
Vs 3bet Call: 19.9
vs 3bet Raise: 15.2
vs 4bet fold 50.0
vs 4bet call: 25.6
vs 4bet raise: 24.4
I play 25nl and these stats are only over 8 days but I'm gonna be posting regularish updates trying to get my play better and pick out any problems. Any comments would be appreciated
no position stats?what program you use?
maybe better to just screenshot your stats or something