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Split up the Poker League!! (pretty please)

WhizzaWhizza Member Posts: 21
edited November 2009 in Poker Chat
Hi Sky people,

Just an idea but something id like to see for sure! and something that can be done quite easily is the poker league table. Its not bad as it is but id like to see it split up!
I..e the cash players have a league table, the sng's have a league table with prizes for the top producers and or a freeroll for the top 50/100 (whatever)

The MTT's need a league table too, now because some people have more time/ cash flow to invest to help them go up the league table restrict it to each players best 25 finishes in the month, and perhaps only for mtt's with over 20players score points? At our local club the formula is something like the buy in x field size divided by the place finished to create the points scored.

I think the table as it stands does not give, part time/non pro players a chance to be able to get on. I think sky are on to a winner with tv tournaments etc as people love to see their name in lights etc, this format of league or similar will see differnt names getting on the league ladder, then if SKY wanted, have a thankyou freeroll (or flat prize top 3?) for the top 50-100 players with chip stacks according to place finished in top 100 with the chance to win X or a live seat to represent sky at some event??

Carl xx


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    WhizzaWhizza Member Posts: 21
    edited November 2009
    its new....ive just seen that it is already split to a just have to click on it!

    ignore me...changing handle from whizza to plonker!

    and i cant delete it so its there for ever tomake me look silly
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    webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2009
    just click delete post mate under your actual posts
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