the best method in my experience is the "tap and rotate method"
grip the coconut and firmly tap the coconut around its equator on a hard and solid edge. A corner on a very large rock or brick wall or the edge of a concrete slab works well for this (patio, street curb, concrete stairs). i find patio is best
If you continue to tap the coconut WHILST rotating it will open quite easily
have a question chipleader to my right and i`m second chip leader ( he/she has double my stack ) how do i play ?? this i now, they have 50k have 24k, blinds coming up 300/600 ( break time)
Re the coconut opening problem - knock a screwdriver through one of the eyes and drain it through a straw. Mind you, you'll have to get someone really stupid to hold it for you.
In Response to Re: 7pm CH865 Live show with Fowler, Spittles and John Tabatabai ****official show thread***** : I'm afriad thats me at my best! Coffee rest stop then another 2 hours on the road Posted by scotty77
Pipunch is the winner of the Bounty Hunter seat for next Thursday, due to his Rianna suggestion. The Rinanna show will be back soon, hope you enjoyed tonight, thank you for all your input as always
john`s ( not even surname spelling ) taba? john ( hit me with cocoanut ) << nickname
Just want to wish Ryan good luck for tomorrow at UKIPT, great advice as always from one of my favourite pros Tabby
Just to name drop, I gave Pieter De Korver a lift to his hotel last night
Re the coconut opening problem - knock a screwdriver through one of the eyes and drain it through a straw. Mind you, you'll have to get someone really stupid to hold it for you.
Great show peeps. Night night.
Anyway, wasn't it Ryanna?