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Quad Jacks

bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
edited April 2012 in The Poker Clinic
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance_ARAZI_Small blind £0.25£0.25£108.49bearlytherBig blind £0.50£0.75£48.75 Your hole cardsJJ   Robusto1Raise £1.50£2.25£46.50EvilPinguFold    neluckFold    Beardy200Fold    _ARAZI_Fold    bearlytherCall £1.00£3.25£47.75Flop  87J   bearlytherCheck    Robusto1Check    Turn  9   bearlytherBet £2.00£5.25£45.75Robusto1Raise £6.50£11.75£40.00bearlytherCall £4.50£16.25£41.25River  J   bearlytherCheck    Robusto1Check    bearlytherShowJJ   Robusto1Muck10A   bearlytherWinFour Jacks£15.43 £56.68


  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited April 2012
    So i smooth called the raise in the bb with jj from an utg open i check to the raiser and he checks.  I can see there is an argument for leading here. The 9 comes off on the turn i bet he raises with any 10 giving him a straight i call hoping to pair the board or evaluate the hand on the river.  The river comes a jack giving me quads i can put him on a 10 with his bet on the turn so i figure its a good opportunity to check raise.  I check and he checks it back.  Value missed or just unlucky he didnt bet as most people would bet in that spot? Would like some thoughts on the hand please.
  • WHOAMI196WHOAMI196 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited April 2012
    its a good check by him, but i would expect him to check a 10x hand back a ton here tbh, the flush came and the board paired, he cant really get a call from you with worse; maybe ~AJ ?, but yea i lead this river you are definetaly getting called with correct sizing, CRAI would be nice if it worked lol
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    I'll reply again here )

    bet is best, not certain oppo will bet - most will check it back with straight or b/f
    How much would oppo bet with a straight ? whatever the amount you double it when you bet river )
  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited April 2012
    Yes think bet would have been better on this occasion but if i had the A10 i would probly bet the river as may get paid off by aj some of the time here thats why i thought checking was best.
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited April 2012
    I think your line is ok, but most of the time I would bet
  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited April 2012

    Hand ID #507341398Mastercash8From mastercash 50p-£1 would be good to have this hand shown on Thurdsay nights show please.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited April 2012
    hand is fine imo
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited April 2012
    Pre-flop: 100bb deep, there's an argument for 3-betting and looking to get it in with JJ, although this depends on how you perceive the UTG raiser. As it is an UTG raise, I don't think a call is bad here either.

    Flop: I'd donk bet on the flop. On a wet flop when we're not expecting our opponent to c-bet most of the time unless he has a hand, I'd want to protect my hand and build the pot - After all, if he's got nothing, he's going to fold anyway, or check/fold unless we get outdrawn. On a dry board, I don't mind check/raise (I'm assuming this was the plan) but we're going to get checked back to a lot of the time here and we're getting no more money in the pot, and letting a possible danger card come on the turn.

    Turn: Seems fine to me tbh. Know you're probably behind but I don't mind calling and hoping the board pairs

    River: You've put your opponent on a straight - From our opponent's point of view, Jh is the worst card in the deck - If he put us on a set or flush draw before, he's gone behind, if he put us on 2 pair, he's not getting another penny out of us, so makes no sense to bet. Therefore, I'd do one of two things here:

    1) Value shove, hope that the 10 he had was AThh or a weirdly-played a set and opponent has a full house to pay us off with
    2) Bet really weak - If we put him on a 10, we're not getting much out of our opponent. Bet a tiny amount (£4 or something) so that he can either call and hope for a chop enough of the time that he thinks calling is profitable, or maybe give him the opportunity to turn his hand into a bluff if he thinks we've got a 10, we're weak, and can take the pot away from us.

    Checking is the worst thing you can possibly do on the river IMO.
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